Page 35 of Logan
I couldn’t bring myself to look directly at Logan as I flushed the toilet and he helped me to stand on wobbly legs. I went to the sink and splashed my face with cold water, then rinsed my mouth before loading up my toothbrush with a thick line of toothpaste.
“Do you want to take a shower?” Logan asked, and I finally met his eyes in the mirror.
He was standing there in his boxers, his sculpted body on full display, but there was no sexual vibe in the room. There wasn’t disgust or discomfort on his face either. He was solid, maybe a little concerned, and ready to help me, even in a small way. I never imagined a unbecoming scenario like this playing out with Logan, but I was still surprised by his supportive reaction.
I nodded and finished brushing my teeth while he turned on the shower for me. Really, a bath would probably feel better because I was suddenly exhausted, but a shower was quicker. I could get right back into bed and rest after cleaning off.
Logan stepped out of the room to give me privacy as I went to the shower and tested the water. It was warm, but not hot, which was perfect because I was suddenly sweating again.
I stripped out of my nightgown and stepped into the shower stall, leaning against the tile wall as I let the water wash over me. I lost track of time as I stood there, lacking the energy to actually do anything. After a while, a shadow appeared on the other side of the frosted glass of the shower stall.
“You okay in there?” Logan asked.
“Uh…yeah,” I said, forcing myself to straighten up and grab the body wash. “I’ll be out in a minute.”
I used all my effort to wash my body and hair, making quick work of the process and feeling mostly human again as I stepped out of the shower stall just minutes later. I was completely drained of energy, but I grabbed a towel off the rack and started drying off. I was almost done when I spotted a clean nightgown and panties sitting on the vanity sink.
I paused, staring at the clothing. It was such a small thing, really, but I was so touched by the sweet gesture that my eyes burned with tears. It was possible that I was overly emotional because of being sick, but either way, I couldn’t believe how thoughtful he’d been.
I towel-dried my hair and pulled on the clothes. When I walked out into the bedroom, I expected Logan to be under the covers, trying to go back to sleep. It was nearly four in the morning by now. But he was awake, sitting up with his bedside lamp on and a book in his hands.
“Are you waiting for me?” I asked.
“Of course,” he said, like it was the most natural thing in the world. Like it was crazy for me to expect anything else. “Get into bed. I brought you a bottle of water, but you should sip it until you know for certain that your stomach is settled.”
“You want me to stay in here?” I asked, shocked. I figured he’d rather have me in the spare bedroom next door after what just happened.
A smile turned up the corners of his lips. “I insist on it.”
I glanced at the nightstand and saw the water and a digital thermometer. Again, I was hit by a wave of emotion. I’d never had anyone other than my mother take care of me like this before. My feelings at the moment went deeper than just appreciation. I cared about Logan so much that I almost blurted out three little words that would change everything.
I managed to swallow them back. I couldn’t do that, especially not right now, because I was so tired I was barely able to stay on my feet, much less have an in-depth conversation with Logan about my feelings. So, I mumbled my thanks and crawled back into bed beside him. Picking up the thermometer strip, I pressed it to my forehead to take my temperature.
“Ninety-nine point nine,” I read with a frown. “I guess it could be worse.”
But the numbers on the little stick didn’t accurately represent how I felt. My stomach was empty and settled for now, but aches and pains in the rest of my body were awful. I put the thermometer down and laid flat, letting out a long breath.
I felt Logan’s gaze on me before he spoke. “So…this isn’t…uh, you’re not pregnant, are you?”
Logan’s nervous question made laughter bubble up out of my throat, despite how terrible I felt. “No, I’m not. Fever isn’t a typical symptom of that. I’m pretty sure this is the stomach flu.”
Logan let out a long breath of relief. “That’s what I thought, but I had to ask.”
“I’m sorry about all this,” I said, looking over at him as my laughter died off. “You’re going to be so tired at work today.”
“I’m not going in.”
I blinked at him in surprise. “What?”
“I said I’m not going to work. I’m going to stay here with you.”
I frowned, knowing how Logan felt about missing a day’s work at the office. “You don’t have to do that. I can call my mom—”
“No need. I’ll do it,” he insisted. He placed his book on the nightstand and turned off the lamp. Settling down under the covers, he got comfortable. “Now, go to sleep. You need to rest.”
I knew he was right, but my mind was whirling. Logannevermissed work, for any reason. I had worked for him for two full years, and he’d been there every single workday. It was shocking to realize that he was doing this for me.
But even that amazing development couldn’t keep me awake for long. I ended up dozing off within minutes, falling into dreams about a future with this man that I would never have.