Page 5 of When She's Wary (Risdaverse Tales)
I eye her, curious if she has a mate. After a moment I decide no, she doesn’t. She wouldn’t look so on-edge if she had someone like me to take care of her. She’s clutching the stun-stick and scowls down at me, as if daring me to test her nerves. I can see other weapons strapped to her lean body. If she was battle-experienced, she wouldn’t have given me water. She wouldn’t be putting her small foot on my chest, well within grabbing reach.
Kef, she sure wouldn’t have tied my hands in front of me instead of behind my back. That’s an amateur move. That tells me a lot about this female. She doesn’t trust me, but she also doesn’t have a lot of experience with capturing people. I suppose that’s a good thing. I flex my wrists and the ropes on them have a little give, which means I can get free at any time.
The situation would be laughable if her expression weren’t so determined. Maybe it’s the noli speaking, but I’m curious to see where this leads. “What’s your name, human?”
“You don’t get to ask questions! I do!”
“Okay then, ask me what my name is, and then maybe you can tell me yours.” I don’t get my tail fur ruffled by her menacing tone. She’s like a spitting kitten, this one, all noise and tiny claws. I eye my surroundings. The windows to the house are sealed shut, and in the low light I can just barely make out some sharp-looking items on the windowsills. Shards of glass, perhaps? The door is studded with locks and there are nasty-looking homemade weapons placed strategically on the walls instead of art.
Even a prickle of fear can’t make my erection go away. I don’t know if it’s the noli or the edge of danger, but I’m harder than ever when she casts a snarl in my direction. I breathe in another whiff of her glorious scent and it takes everything I have not to come. Again.
I can make this work, I decide. Sure, she’s angry now, but I can charm her. And then when she’s charmed, maybe she’ll straddle me and take her pleasure like I’m a tool to be used.
Keffing noli. I like that idea way too much.
She scowls down at me. “Why were you on my porch?”
“Because I don’t have anywhere else to go.” I desperately want to jerk my hips and see if I can get the tip of my cock to touch her boot, but she hasn’t given me permission for that sort of thing. “And at first I thought we might be friends and get to know one another, but after eating those roots, all I want to do is throw up in peace.”
It’s a lie. I want to throw up in peace and get off, but even I know I can’t bring up the latter.
“Are you from the farm up the hill? Chelsea’s?”
I nod, and then close my eyes because moving my head makes the room spin. “I’m Hrrrusek’s brother. That’s her mate. I’m staying with them for a while. Between jobs.”
The female is silent.
I squeeze my eyes open to watch her, and she’s staring down at my sprawled form. “I’ve seen him around. The new cat guy. He’s big and smiley. She looks happy.” The human female makes this sound accusing, like it’s a terrible thing. She eyes me and her gaze fixes on my cock, and despite my best efforts, another burst of cum spurts out of me with a shudder, making my sticky, wet pants even wetter. Her eyes narrow and I know she’s noticed. The female takes the end of her stun-stick and pushes it against the hard iron bar of my cock. The weapon isn’t activated, but I recognize the threat all the same, and it’s both arousing and terrifying. “Tell me why I shouldn’t kill you for this bullshit right now.”
“Noli,” I wheeze.
I should just kill him.
I really should. Anyone with a lick of sense would see the erection and know he’s up to no good. That he came here to attack and rape me. But this guy looks absolutely pitiful. He stares up at me, his nose dripping, reeking of vomit, and I don’t think he could hurt anyone. He hasn’t even tried to get out of his bonds. He just stares up at me with dark, hazy eyes, his pupils enormous and round.
I seem to recall praxiians having eyes like cats. The fact that his pupils are this big is a sign that something is off. I keep the stun-stick on his dick and lean over to examine his eyes. “Is noli a sickness?”
“I feel pretty sick right now,” he admits, groaning. His head goes back and his eyes flutter closed again. “Can I have more water? Or if you’re going to kill me, let’s get it over with.”