Page 34 of Playing His Games (Billionaire Playboys)
“What a fucking coward. At least he can’t hurt anyone anymore,” Boston answers my question. We all watch the television, listening to all the charges that are being brought against him. It’s a long-as-heck list. Sylvester, being the overly protective guy he is, refused to tell me everything Governor Wescott was doing, so my mouth drops at the counts of fraud, stealing from a foundation, his wife’s from her parents and grandparents, and Boston as well. Then there’s the stealing of campaign funding he used to deal with his supposed sex addiction, which we all know is a lie. His addiction might be partly sex, but it’s really worse than anything I’ve ever seen or heard of before. Getting off on hurting women is not okay, especially if it’s not consensual between both parties.
“Well, look at it this way. Your mom can get the divorce she’s been after without having to break a clause in that stupid contract their parents signed umpteen years ago,” Amelie inputs. I watch as Boston sits down on the couch and pulls her into his lap, arm wrapping around her growing stomach.
Governor Wescott looks up at the camera with a sneer plastered on his face, showing his true colors for the world to see. Hopefully, it’ll be the last time most of the people in this house will ever have to look at him, me included.
“Turn it off. There’s no need to keep watching it. They’ll just repeat it forty more times,” Parker states, voicing my desire as well.
“I’m going to make a plate. Do you want anything?” I ask Sly. He shakes his head but holds out the glass of bourbon in his hand, telling me he’s celebrating another win with his beloved brand of amber-colored liquor.
“It’s been fun. Love to celebrate with you all, but if I stay much longer, the love is going to be contagious, and that sounds like no amount of fun for me,” Theo says jokingly as he gets off the barstool he’s sitting on, closest to the appetizers and snacking. At least someone is eating, because so far, the food is not going down like I thought it would.
“I know someone who’s single,” Nessa says, breaking away from Parker.
“There’s a cute new barista at my coffee shop. Everyone deserves love.” Millie waggles her eyebrows as she walks closer toward the bar, where everyone is starting to gather around.
“Oh, oh, oh. I know! Rachel!” I join in. She’s Sylvester’s new receptionist, younger than me but smart as a whip.
“The minute I need help getting a woman is the day I’ll quit using my dick. Brothers, it’s been fun, but I’m out of here. Control your women. Oh, wait, you can’t. They’ve got you chasing after them with your own cocks in your hands.” Theo laughs proudly at his joke. The guys grumble, calling bullshit in one form or the other. Us girls look at one another, each holding in our laughter because while these men are possessive alphas in every way imaginable, we all know the truth. The guys we love will absolutely do everything in their power to make us happy. As for Sly and myself, it’s the absolute truth.
“Get your pessimistic self out of here. One day, you’re going to get whacked upside the head with love. Then you’ll see what you’ve been missing out on,” Sylvester says, coming up behind me. The palm of his hand slides along my lower abdomen. It’s no surprise to me what he’s hoping for. Each and every time he is buried deep inside me, he tells me one day soon, I’ll be pregnant. As do I. As do freaking I.
“Alright, see you all later.” Theo is the first to leave. The rest of the crew stays, eating, talking, and through it all, I stay snuggled into Sylvester’s warm body.
“Finally. I love my friends and our family, but damn am I glad they’re gone.” It seemed like for every two people who left, four more appeared. Today was a day of celebrations, even if I’m left feeling like Wescott hasn’t paid near enough for what he did to Fawn. A good thing I have a few of my own inside sources once he’s in prison. One small trigger will have the former governor folding easily. Solitary would do me a solid in making me feel a smidge better.
“Oh hush, you enjoyed them. Especially bantering with Sable,” Fawn replies. She’s in her spot on the kitchen counter. What food wasn’t eaten is now put away, the dishes are done, and the drinks are in the fridge. Fawn and Stella took care of the majority of the work, leaving the dishes to be loaded into the dishwasher, which is what I’m doing right now.
“She needs to join Sterling & Associates. The woman is sharp as a tack and is wasting her time at the firm she’s currently at.” I finish rinsing off the last of the small platters and load it in the dishwasher, then closing the door and clean up the sink before wiping my hands off with a towel. Fawn really kicked ass today when I sprung it on her that the guys and their women would be heading to our house after things moved quicker than I thought they would. Usually, these things can take days, if not weeks. Clearly, someone else wanted Wescott more than me, and it worked in our favor.