Page 25 of Playing His Games (Billionaire Playboys)
“Already ahead of you. Called him this morning. He’s in meetings for the remainder of the week. I told Jack that it couldn’t wait much longer. Sunday, we’ll be heading to your parents’ place. They won’t know you’ll be joining, and if you don’t want to, that’s okay. I’m leaving the decision up to you.” I cock my head to the side, trying to choose if I should be shocked or not. Sylvester is always two steps ahead of me, always. It must be the lawyer in him because it definitely isn’t in me.
“Well, you’ve got everything handled, it seems.” I grab a piece of kiwi and pop it into my mouth. A devious plan comes to fruition.
“Would you expect anything less?” he questions. Coffee, fruit, French toast, and bacon are now ready as he turns off the griddle and makes up our plates. It doesn’t go unnoticed that he has a protein shake set off to the side, half empty. When I woke up without him in bed, my body wrapped around his pillow instead of him, I deduced he was at the gym. I grabbed one of his shirts out of his dresser along with a pair of his socks, did my morning business, walked down the stairs, and made myself a cup of coffee while cozying up on the couch to wake up. Sylvester walked in as I was taking my last sip and kissed me senseless. A few moments later, I was wrapped in his arms, and he was walking to me where I’m sitting now.
“I’ll go with you. Sable and I were already planning on making an appearance for Sunday dinner. We both have news to share. She’ll finally tell Mom and Dad about her friend who isn’t a friend but a girlfriend and lover. Which I’m pretty sure Mom could see from a mile away. Dad is a whole other story. You know how it goes; he’s married to not only Mom but his work as well. Plus, Dad might blow a gasket when he realizes both of his daughters have been keeping secrets from him.” A united front is going to be key. Sable needs to do the exact same thing, even if it involves bringing Blaire.
“Wait, she’s older than you, an attorney herself. How do they not know? Is she hiding her girlfriend?” He looks up at me. My plate is beside me. I’m eating the fruit first, then bacon, and leaving the French toast for last. My eating habits are weird, saving the best for last.
“Nope, well, she hasn’t come out to our parents. I have an inkling Mom knows, but she’d never pry it out of her. Mom is of the notion her girls will come to her when they’re ready. The fewer questions you ask, the more answers you’ll receive.” Our grandmother, our mom’s mom, hated that she didn’t question us to death when we were in our twenties, always worrying more than our parents. It was annoying at the time, but now that she’s gone, well, now we realize she was only showing how much she loved her girls.
“Interesting. Attorneys are worse than most. They love the water cooler gossip. Good for her. Let them do their own thing till they’re both rock solid,” Sylvester says, holding a bite of his French toast up for me to eat. His eyebrows are arched, a smirk is in place, and once I’m chewing my food, he continues, “And we’re there, Doe. I wouldn’t be telling your father if we weren’t.” There he goes, giving me the answer I didn’t know I needed. Any self-doubt I did have is squashed, and when he leans in and our mouths meet, he reiterates it with a swipe of his tongue along my lips. I open for him. Resisting this man is impossible. My body aches for him, and he wedges himself between my legs, hands going to my hips, pulling me to the edge of the counter. His gym shorts and my borrowed shirt are no match. My hands wrap around his shoulders and I pull my legs up and push his shorts down, his thick cock springing out, giving him all the invitation he needs to slide inside.
“Are you ready for this?” I ask Fawn a few days later as we’re standing on her parents’ doorstep. She’s about to open the door, hand on the knob, ready to walk in, much like I’d do at my own parents’ house.
“Oh yeah. Besides, we need to get our news in before Sable gets here. This sounds bad, but I’d rather we take the brunt of Dad getting blown back than Sable. She’s been sitting on this for years and years. I’m talking she went to a gay camp during a college break to make her not be, well, gay. I love my sister; I just wish she loved herself enough to have come clean years ago. It wasn’t until she met Blaire that she was finally settled into how happy they truly are together.” I can hear hopefulness in her tone that Sable will come out and both their parents will be okay with who she loves.