Page 10 of Playing His Games (Billionaire Playboys)
“Yeah, Doe, I can do that.” My knuckles work their way around her hips. Temptation, that’s what she is. Pure fucking temptation. The tips of my fingers hit lacy, and a groan leaves me when I wonder what she’s wearing beneath. Thong, boy short style, or basic underwear, nothing would detract my desire for her. With the button in place, I work the zipper up, getting one last glance of fabric-covered pussy. Soon, Fawn will be bare to me. Very fucking soon.
The perpetual heightened state of desire continues, from the moment I opened my door to Sly to him helping me dress to the entire ride. He kept his hand on my thigh yet again. With each passing street, he was moving dangerously closer to the apex of my thigh. I wouldn’t be surprised if he felt the heat coming off me. Our ride to Parker and Nessa’s was short; he handled his luxurious SUV with precision, weaving in and out of traffic with one hand on the wheel, eyes dedicated to driving, giving me the time to soak in every aspect of his profile. I’m sure he felt me the entire time. At least he was nice enough not to call me out. Besides, turnabout is fair play. Yesterday, it was him staring a hole through my body. Did I allow my cardigan to slide down one shoulder? Absolutely. Sly’s hands on me were like a brand, heating me up and leaving his mark all over.
“Parker, Fawn. Fawn, Parker. Where’s Nessa?” I shake my head. First, I’ve met Parker before in one of the plethora of appointments that aren’t on the books with Sylvester. I’ve also been introduced to Theo, the last man standing in the Four Brothers group. Ezra is with Millie, and she makes the best cup of coffee on this side of town. The only reason I make my own and Sylvester’s is because leaving the office twice a day for a coffee run would leave me not getting anything done. And then there’s Parker, the recluse of the bunch, only going out if Nessa drags him somewhere or if she’s at work, then he’ll come to Sterling & Associates, grumbling the entire time.
“Hi, Parker. Ignore his unruly demeanor. Is Vanessa available to look at my burn for a moment?” Parker’s body is visibly shaking with laughter. Sylvester is grumbling something under his breath while he presses his hand to my lower back, guiding us inside.
“It’s good to see you again, Fawn. She’s in the kitchen.” He points the way, not that it makes any difference. Sylvester is like a bull in a china shop, definitely overkill over a burn. “Hello, Sly.” There’s no denying that Parker is internally razzing him in a way only a brother could get away with.
“Hey,” the man beside me responds. The back of my hand meets his solid abdomen. There’s not so much as an oof or hesitation to cause him to stop in place. It does me, though, wishing it were my palm touching him instead, to feel more of his muscular body. Besides, so far, he’s seen more of my body than I have of his.
“Play nice,” I mutter beneath my breath. Sylvester heard me, I know he did. His ears are that of a dog’s, supersonic. I learned that lesson all too well yesterday.
“Vanessa, Sylvester and Fawn are here. He’s in a mood. Feel free to kick his ass,” Parker announces our presence. Her back is to us as she’s washing her hands. Clearly either going to work or getting off work.
“Hi, I’m Vanessa or Nessa. I’d shake your hand, but I just washed my hands, and judging by Grumpy standing beside you, the sooner you’re doctored up, the better. Which I’m not a doctor, by the way, Sylvester Sterling, but I’ll look at Fawn’s burns, make my assessment, talk to her first, then she can consult with you.” I really like her already. She’s more assertive than I’ve ever been, at least around Sly.
“Thanks.” He nods to Nessa then kisses my forehead again, hand squeezing my back in a gentle way. My eyes close in an effort to gain some self-control. The stupor he leaves me in is really annoying. “I’ll be in the living room with Parker.” Sly must like the way my body reacts to him. The harsh lines on his face are now gone, and in their place is a softness.
“And I’ll be okay. Now go. We’re already late as it is. Vanessa and Parker probably have plans of their own.” He nods. Vanessa is moving toward me, and finally, Sylvester is doing what he said.
“Ignore them. Honestly, I don’t know which one is worse. All five of them are ridiculous in their own respect. A woman, though, that’s what changes them. Now, let’s take a look at your burns, see what’s going on, and hopefully, you won’t need much more than a stronger ointment.” I opted for a short-sleeved blouse instead and packed a long cardigan in order to cover my bandages and unwanted prying questions. The way I’m burned completely around on one wrist makes it look like something it isn’t.