Page 73 of Limited Edition Husband (Winner Takes All)
I close the distance between us and cup his cheeks. “All I want is to hear from you.”
Then, I seal my lips to his. We kiss deeply, desperately. He grabs the back of my neck and holds me tighter.
Everything feels right again, real again. True once more.
I don’t feel lost. I feel found. When I break the kiss, I inhale him before I murmur, “How long are you in town?”
“Two nights,” he says.
“Cancel your hotel. Stay with me.”
He pulls back, his smile one of exhilaration. “Yeah?”
“I’m there,” he says.
Then I run my fingers through his hair and give him a quirk of my lips. “Like I’d enter a fucking auction.”
His arms loop around me. “Like I’d not tell you I was coming to town.”
“Like I wouldn’t want to see you the whole damn time if you were,” I retort.
I don’t even know what to do with all these feelings inside of me, and I have no idea what’s next, other than this—I’m leaving right now. With him. “Let’s go.”
Hunter takes my hand, then says, “Have I told you I’ve been dying to see your bedroom since the day I met you?”
I can’t ask what he thinks of my bedroom because my mouth is full.
Hunter’s too.
His tongue rolls along my shaft, his lips stretched nice and tight. I suck him deep. We’re on opposite ends of the bed, wrapped around each other.
And damn, my guy is going to beat me to the sixty-nine finish line. I’m so close, my thighs are shaking.
I try to stave off the orgasm as I squeeze his ass and urge him to fuck my face.
I go for the real Hail Mary. I thrust a finger inside him, and instantly, he drops my dick from his mouth.
“Holy fuck, you devil,” he shouts as he comes down my throat, panting and gasping for air.
I feel pretty clever, and then I’m supercharged when he’s back on my dick, finishing me off in his mouth.
My vision blurs as I fly off the world, it seems.
Then, when we settle, he switches positions, joining me at the top of the bed, his head on the pillow next to mine.
When Hunter looks at me with a woozy smile, I know this is my new normal.
“So, your bedroom is great,” he says.
“Because you’re in it.” I give him a quick, firm kiss then pop up and smack his ass. “We need to talk,” I say, “and I mean that in the best of ways.”
He laughs. “Yeah, I figured that out from the context and tone.”
Twenty minutes later, we’re in the kitchen, digging into dragon noodles from the Vietnamese place I love, courtesy of Ding and Dine’s food delivery. Hunter’s on a barstool, and I stand next to him at the counter. It’s so good to see him again. “So, I had this plan for tonight,” I begin.
Hunter gives me that cheeky grin I adore. “Did it involve a sixty-nine and incredible food, and then a nonstop fuck fiesta?”
I bump my shoulder into his. “Well, handsome, I didn’t know you were in town. I was going to call you and tell you what I’ve realized in the last two weeks.”
He sets down his chopsticks, his eyes curious. “And what’s that?”
I slough off the teasing and look at him with honesty and hope. “I’ve missed you. So much.” I give a what can you do shrug. “The every-second-of-every-day kind of missing.”
He smiles softly. “It was the same for me, Nate.”
I put my chopsticks down too, close the distance between us, and nudge his legs apart so I can slide closer and tell him everything I realized after I went to the winery with my sister.
“When I met you, I was in a down place. I was still hurting, and all I wanted was sex. And I’m totally aware this is not how you start a big confession.”
He curls a hand around my bicep, urging me on. “I have no idea how you start a big confession, and I think you should keep going.”
“After I saw you again at the stadium in October, I couldn’t get you out of my head. That day we spent in Vegas, then that night…Hunter, I was happy. I was so happy. I was infatuated with life and you and me and us.” My gaze drifts to my ring. “I’ve never stopped wearing it.”
“Me either,” he says, breathless.
I glance at his hand, then reach for it and thread my fingers with his, tracing his band with my thumb.
“The week in London showed me what a relationship can be like when you’re both fully in it. When you argue and work through problems. When you fuck and you kiss and you play. When you speak from the heart. So, I planned to call you tonight and tell you all that, but now I can tell you in person that I think I’ve solved the problem of the ocean.”