Page 9 of The Demon God's Desire
“Well, I’m right, aren’t I?” I shoot back. I place my hands on my hips and stick my chin out. “There are orcs to keep the elves busy, in the West.”
“Don’t go Bridget,” Allan’s voice is softer than it has ever been before. For a second, I can tell that he really cares about me. “Please, do not go. You’ll be risking your life.”
“I’ll be fine,” I say again. “I will be, I promise. And I’m not going out too far anyway.”
And before he can answer, I turn and hurry home. I know that he won’t follow me. He’ll probably head to his own home and pout for the rest of the day.
I know that Allan wants me. And I want to want him. Just for the sake of having someone.
But nothing in me screams for him. In fact, I find him quite tiresome. Though, I’d never say it to his face.
But I do take his warnings seriously. No one should gamble with the dark elves. Those bastards are not to be fucked with.
They’re cruel, vicious, brutal monsters. They have destroyed little parts of the lives of everyone I know.
At home, I pull off my dress and pull on a pair of men’s pants that I got at the market. Pants are best for desert runs.
I pull on a light cotton shirt and tie a jacket around my waist. Then I pull on some boots that Sarah made for me by hand.
I love these boots more than life itself. I’d die for them.
And then, before I leave, I open the chest underneath my bed. It is filled with weapons I have collected over the years.
I take out two long daggers and holster them around my hips. They fit neatly underneath the jacket, where no one can see them.
I slip two more sheathed knives into each one of my boots. Then I prepare to leave.
Going on a desert run is not a complicated task, but it requires some preparation. I fill two leather bags with water from the small sealed tub that stands outside my bedroom.
I eat, stuff a bunch of tizret fruit in my bag, and then place the water carefully in my bag.
I sling the bag over my shoulder, ensuring that it is still light and portable.
Whatever the day is going to hold, I’ll survive it.
Of that much, I’m sure.
Seeing Lord Nokliso and Vythor together is strange. It feels strange.
I wouldn’t trust either of them as far as I could throw them, and I know that neither of them are capable of having a normal conversation.
They’re certainly not talking about the weather.
Who would be talking about the weather?I ask myself snidely.What is there to say except that it’s bloody hot.
But still, Nokliso and Vythor are the least trustworthy elves I have ever had the displeasure of working with.
We are still in the Khuzuth’s mansion in the city. Lord Nokliso and Vythor are standing in the doorway of a small parlor on the ground floor.
The rest of the men are in their rooms, preparing to set out.
I remain hidden behind a pillar in the living space across from them, but I cannot hear anything they are saying.
The only thing to do is walk closer and hope to hear something before they see me.