Page 52 of The Demon God's Desire
There’s no way for that to happen, I know it as well as he does, but I refuse to give up hope. We love each other. That has to be enough.
As if in direct rebuttal of my thoughts, Guilri wrenches his arm from my grasp, taking a step toward the Hearthkeeper. Every line in his body is rigid, as if it’s trying to fight the decision his mind has clearly made, but it’s no use. The Hearthkeeper smiles, all venom and violence, as he takes another step forward.
“Come, my child,” she simpers at Guilri. “Together, we will change the world.”
The Hearthkeeper’s eyes dart to mine over Guilri’s shoulder as he takes another step forward, victory flashing within them. The gleam in her eye tells me all I need to know about what her plans are for once Guilri submits to her: she’ll kill me out of spite, to make sure Guilri and I are punished and that I could never “sway” him away from her again.
I grit my teeth, sudden fury sweeping through me. I know she’s taunting me, that I shouldn’t intervene or risk incurring her wrath, but I can’t let Guilri do this.
He’s battled for too long to finally come out of the goddess’ grasp, and I’d never forgive myself if he allowed himself to be used by her once again, especially not for my sake.
I step forward, opening my mouth to say something, to beg him not to bend a knee to her, when a flicker of light in my peripheral vision catches my attention. I turn to find the Deceiver’s portal awakening once again, new images flashing inside, and am unable to hold back my gasp.
Guilri whirls toward me, obviously on high alert and ready to jump in to defend me, when his eyes land on the portal as well. Before I know it, I’m lost in the images playing before me, entranced by the future the Deceiver is now weaving.
In this future, the Hedonist accepts the bargain Guilri laid before him earlier- he fights on the side of the Hedonist and other gods I don’t recognize, and in return, the Hedonist offers us his vow of protection.
Guilri fights his way through the battlefield, roaring and covered in the blood of his enemies. The portal shimmers, and the next image is Guilri again, however this time he’s in what looks to be some sort of war tent, maps stretched across tables as he confers with twelve other dark elves, talking strategy and holding meetings.
After another shift, Guilri stands with the same twelve dark elves on the battlefield, but this time, there is no more fighting. They stand victorious, their weapons raised, cries of victory ringing from their lips. The battlefield morphs, replaced by a beautiful cottage on a rocky seaside, waves crashing on the shore beyond.
I watch as Guilri walks up to the house, the door thrown open long before he reaches the porch. I see me, my hips and breasts fuller, joy radiating from me as I run toward him, a little girl with honeyed eyes and blinding white hair sprinting after me.
Guilri sweeps us up, and the image of his face beside the little girl’s, so obviously our daughter, steals the air from my lungs. We’re happy here, and safe. We’re a family.
The portal darkens, taking the image of the family- my family- with it, and I almost want to beg for it back. Guilri’s eyes are glued to the portal, wide with a sudden hope and realization. Almost too fast for my eyes to track, he staggers back and away from the Hearthkeeper.
Her face twists into a hideous snarl as he does, her lip curling back over her teeth.
“Don’t be a fool, Guilri,” she spits, but he’s already shaking his head.
“I’ll never fight for you,” he says as he stares at her, returning to my side. I reach out involuntarily, winding my hand around his arm and giving it a reassuring squeeze. Guilri’s eyes find mine, and I see in them a reflection of our future: we’ll be okay. Better than okay, we’ll be a family.
Guilri rips his gaze from mine, his jaw setting in determination as he stares back at the Hearthkeeper.
“I will not be your champion. I’ll fight you until the end,” he swears, his shoulders thrown back. The Hearthkeeper whirls on the Deceiver, livid and sputtering.
“Lies!” She screams, thrusting a finger out at the god. “You don’t know who you’re meddling with, brother! You cannot sway my champion away from me with your, your… trickery!”
The Deceiver merely grins, the motion as slow and chilling as it was the first time.
“I do love trickery,” he murmurs with a shrug. The Hearthkeeper shrieks her rage at him, stepping forward as though to attack him, before the Hedonist’s laughter fills the temple.
“Oh, what ashow!” He cries, clapping excitedly. “Thank you, dear brother, for that riveting piece of entertainment!” The Hedonist turns to Guilri, his eyes sparkling.
“Does your bargain still stand, boy? Do you wish to exchange your sword for my protection?”
The Hearthkeeper screams “No!” at exactly the same time as Guilri says “yes”. The Hedonist’s gaze slides to the goddess, a devious grin forming on his lips before he looks back to Guilri.
“Well then, it’s settled. You will forsake your goddess and fight on our side in the war, and in return, I give you and your human my vow of protection. I will do all in my power to keep the two of you safe, from my sister and from all other threats.”
“How DARE you!” The Hearthkeeper screeches, but nobody even looks her way. Guilri drops to a knee before the Hedonist, his head bowed.
“I forsake my goddess, the Hearthkeeper, and swear myself into your service,” Guilri says gravely. The Hedonist places a hand on his shoulder, and Guilri looks up.
“It is done,” the Hedonist replies in an uncharacteristically serious voice. The air becomes charged, the hair on the back of my neck standing on end as the vow between god and elf seals into place.
As quickly as it came, the magic leaves, the temple’s air returning to normal. Guilri rises to his feet, returning to my side in a flash as an impish grin stretches across the Hedonist’s face.