Page 29 of The Demon God's Desire
But with with Guilri was much different. He didn’t need reassuring. Instead, he was able to reassureme. And he was always there for me.
He would come into my healer hut with me every day and act as a sort of assistant, helping me bandage wounds, keep things clean in the stores and restock items that needed it. It was refreshing, working with someone who knew what they were doing.
I think honestly, even if Guilri hadn’t been in the picture, I would have had to turn Allan down at some point or another. It was just getting tedious, trying to nicely deflect his feelings while trying to maintain our friendship.
Then Guilri came along and showed me what real friendship looked like. He never pushed for anything more with me. He was simply there for me in all the ways that Allan never was. He truly acted like a friend, with no agenda or expectations.
We grew so close too. That’s what hurts the most about his betrayal. We shared things that I never shared with anyone before. I thought I could trust him with information about my family and about my past.
Was it a mistake to trust him? I don’t know and right now, I don’t care. All I care about is tracking the idiot down and dragging him back by his ear, chaining him up to the bed and making him finish out our deal.
A brief image flashes in my mind of all theotherthings I could do to him if I had him chained up but I scold myself, telling myself that’s not about to happen. Even if I brought him back, I’m not about to trust him ever again. All that I want is for him to finish out his month.
It has nothing at all to do with the way he made my heart pound when he touched me, or how he made my body sing with his kisses.
Nothing at all to do with the way his eyes bore into mine like he could see straight through to my soul.
Keeping myself from thinking any more sentimental thoughts about him, I double down and continue following his tracks. I feel like I’m getting closer to him but I can’t be sure.
The sun is nearly overhead when I think I hear voices. The tracks look like they start moving faster here so I follow them a little further and realize I do hear voices.
More than one. Did Guilri find his men? I duck down behind a thicket of desert grass, hiding myself out of sight so I can hear them speak.
The sun is directly overhead so there are no shadows. I need to be careful and I squint my eyes, trying to see what’s going on. Is Guilri hugging another elf? I can’t be sure.
Finally, my eyes adjust enough that I take in the sight before me. I see Guilri, along with three other elves.
And he’s standing there, being held at sword point.
I cover my mouth, not wanting to make a sound and give myself away. What the fuck? What should I do? I can’t step in. But I also can’t let them kill him either. I have to do something.
But what? What do I do?
Islam my head into Vythor’s face, forcing him to jump back away from me, clutching his nose. He screams and the other two elves draw their swords. He’s got his out as well, glaring at me as blood drips down his chin.
“What the fuck?” I yell. “What is the meaning of this?”
“Did you really think we would simply welcome you back with open arms?” Vythor sneers through his bloody nose. “You are more stupid than you look if you didn’t think that the second you were gone, someone more capable would step up to fix your mistakes.”
“What mistakes?” I ask, drawing my own sword. “Lower your weapons. NOW!”
“You utter capra,” Vythor says with a chuckle, sword still pointing directly at me. “You know...” he pauses for a moment, looking up with a thoughtful expression. “You never really believed you were made general because you worked for it, did you? It was because of your powers. Your stupid, stupid powers.”
He scoffs and the other two continue holding their swords aloft while Vythor drops his and begins pacing back and forth over the sand. “You don’t deserve to lead the men. You aren’t capable, clearly. You deserted them for a month. For what? A vacation? The men need arealleader, not someone who earned their rank because of nepotism and stupid powers.”
I can’t believe what I’m hearing. My blood surges in my veins and I feel like I’m going crazy. “I deserved this position,” he continues. “Me! I worked hard and I made friends with all the right people. Then you waltz in here and get the position because of who your father is!”
My blood is boiling now. I’m on the verge of ripping his head off. “Iearnedthis position,” I tell him. “Through blood, sweat and tears! There is no one more worthy, more dedicated to serving than me! I have every right to lead these men, more than you!”
“You can’t possibly think that you are more deserving.” Vythor shakes his head.
“I am,” I insist. “And what’s more, these men will never follow you!”
“These men will follow the strongest!” Vythor snaps back at me. He stops pacing, expression going eerily calm. “Who do you think has been leading the men since you decided to desert the miou?”