Page 45 of Larenzo's Christmas Baby
‘I know.’
‘But if he really was framed like you told me, and he is a good father like you said...’ Meghan trailed off while Emma waited, impatience brimming.
‘Then?’ she finally demanded. ‘Then what?’
‘I don’t know,’ Meghan admitted. ‘Only that maybe we’re doing him a disservice. And if you actually think you could care for him, or have a relationship...’
‘I think that isn’t a possibility now,’ Emma answered. ‘He barely wants to talk to me.’
‘Because you told him about my ultimatum, and then you basically chose me,’ Meghan answered bluntly. ‘I don’t blame him, Emma.’
‘I can’t believe after all this you’re taking his side!’
‘I’m not. I’m just trying to see things as a rational adult rather than a panicked older sister.’ Meghan smiled wryly. ‘I’m still not sure of anything.’
‘What am I supposed to do, then? Go and tell him I changed my mind?’ That wouldn’t go over well. ‘I’m not sure he’s a good bet as a relationship anyway, Meghan. He told me he wasn’t interested in one when we first saw each other again, and that he doesn’t trust anyone, ever. And I believe him.’
‘And no wonder, if his business partner framed him.’ Meghan sighed. ‘I really don’t know. If you guys did decide to get together, it would be a hard road ahead. And you aren’t used to that.’
‘What?’ Emma nearly choked on her wine. ‘What do you mean, I’m not used to that?’
‘I mean, you haven’t been in a serious relationship, with all of its ups and downs. You’ve never committed to anyone or anything for the long haul. I don’t think you’ve ever stayed in the same place for more than a year or two.’
Emma couldn’t deny the truth of her sister’s words but she still felt stung. ‘There’s a reason for all that, you know.’
‘I know, because of Mom and Dad’s divorce.’
‘Not just their divorce,’ Emma half mumbled. ‘Mom leaving the way she did...not having any interest in us...’
‘You made it pretty clear you weren’t interested in her, Emma,’ Meghan answered gently.
‘And why should I, when she rejected us?’ Emma demanded.
‘She asked you to live with her a year later, didn’t she? Out in Arizona.’
‘Yes, and that was a complete failure.’ Emma shook her head, not wanting to dwell on a memory that still had the power to hurt her. ‘Total disaster. I left after only two months.’ Meghan was silent and Emma glanced at her suspiciously. ‘What?’
‘Nothing,’ Meghan said as she uncurled herself from the sofa. ‘But it’s getting late and I want to kiss Ryan goodnight.’ She hesitated and then said, ‘If you really do think Larenzo is innocent, Emma, and you really do care for him, you’re going to have to try. That’s all I’m saying.’
‘And just a few days ago you practically threatened to disinherit me if I was friendly with him,’ Emma couldn’t keep from reminding her sourly.
‘I know, I’m sorry. I panicked. But he is Ava’s father, and you do seem to care for him. So...’
‘So,’ Emma answered with a sigh. So what?
Meghan’s words rattled around in her head for the rest of the visit. Did she want to try with a man who had already declared he had no interest in her, couldn’t trust? And yet those evenings she’d spent with Larenzo, the way they’d been as a family, had been so incredibly sweet. And she knew he was still attracted to her, just as she was to him. But was that enough?
Emma knew he’d been hurt badly by his business partner, and was perhaps irrevocably damaged by his time in prison. Did she want to try?
She was no nearer an answer to that question when she headed back to New York on the train on Saturday evening, packed with people returning to the city after a long weekend away. Ava was fractious and the train was delayed, so by the time she stumbled into the apartment at nine o’clock at night she was completely exhausted. Ava had fallen asleep in the cab on the way back from the station, and so Emma put her right to bed.
The apartment was silent and dark, and after a second’s hesitation Emma went into the hall, flicking on the lights as she looked for Larenzo.
She finally found him in the study, slouched in one of the club chairs, a tumbler of whisky in his hand. His shirt was unbuttoned so she could see the bronzed column of his throat, and his hair was rumpled, his jaw shadowed with stubble. He looked sexy and dangerous and yet also almost unbearably sad as he glanced up at her with pain-filled eyes.