Page 18 of Larenzo's Christmas Baby
‘It doesn’t matter,’ she said quickly, as if coming to a decision. She rose from the sofa. ‘Thank you for the six months’ pay. That was...kind of you, considering.’
‘Considering?’ he repeated, his gaze narrowing. ‘Considering what?’
Colour washed Emma’s cheeks. ‘Just the situation...’
‘You mean considering I’m a criminal? Is that what you mean, Emma?’ He didn’t know why he was pushing her, only that he was. That he wanted her to say it, admit what she thought of him. Perhaps it would be like lancing a wound.
Emma lifted her chin, her eyes flashing in challenge. ‘And what if it was?’
‘I thought you knew me better than that.’
‘I didn’t know you at all, Larenzo. You were my employer, and I saw you a few times. We never even had a proper conversation before—’ She stopped abruptly, the colour deepening in her cheeks as she looked away.
‘Before what?’ he demanded, his voice low and insistent. He was punishing himself as much as her by raking this all up, bringing the memories he’d tormented himself with to the fore. ‘Before I made love to you? Before you wrapped your legs around my waist and—’
‘Don’t.’ The single word came out in a suffocated whisper. ‘Don’t remind me.’
Larenzo’s lip curled. ‘You don’t want to remember?’
‘Of course I don’t.’ She glared at him, her golden-green eyes full of misery. ‘I don’t know why you were released from prison, Larenzo, or why the charges against you were dropped, but I just want you out of my life.’ She pressed her lips together as she held his stare. ‘I trust that won’t be an issue.’
‘An issue?’ he repeated. Fury beat through his veins, fired his blood. ‘I came here as a matter of courtesy. Clearly the effort was wasted.’
‘I think it’s best if you go now.’
‘Fine.’ He nodded curtly and curled his hands into fists at his sides, not trusting himself not to grab her by the shoulders and demand to know what he’d ever done to make her think he was a mobster. A Mafioso. Mio Dio, how could everyone he’d ever known have judged him so harshly and completely?
Because the evidence had been there, thanks to Bertrano. Because he’d confessed, even if he’d felt he had no choice.
She held his gaze, her chin still lifted, her shoulders thrown back, standing proud and defiant even though he knew she was afraid. Of him.
He opened his mouth to say something of his innocence, but then he closed it. Why claim something she would never believe? ‘Goodbye,’ he said instead, and turned towards the hallway.
A child’s cry suddenly echoed from upstairs. From the corner of his eye he saw Emma freeze, her face drain of colour. He wouldn’t have thought anything of the cry, considering he knew Emma was living with her sister and her family. And yet...
The child cried again, the plaintive wail of a baby. Emma didn’t move. Neither did Larenzo. Every sense he had was on alert, although for what he could not say.
‘Aren’t you going to go to the child?’ he asked, his voice deliberately mild as the baby continued to cry, the sobs becoming louder and more urgent.
Emma swallowed, and he watched the workings of her slender throat. ‘I will. When you leave.’
He gazed at her for a taut moment, saw how her eyes had become huge golden pools in a face drained of colour. ‘Is it your sister’s child? Why is she not going to fetch the bambino?’
‘She’s not here.’ Emma licked her lips, and Larenzo thought he saw panic in that wide gaze. ‘Please, Larenzo. Just go.’
‘I will.’ He cocked his head towards the stairs. ‘But maybe you should get the bambino first.’
‘No.’ The word came out like a gunshot, fast and loud. Larenzo raised his eyebrows. Emma stared him down. ‘I told you, I don’t want you here. Now go.’ Her voice rose in a raggedy edge of terror, and Larenzo took a step towards her.
‘What are you hiding from me, Emma?’
‘Nothing—’ But it sounded feeble. He took another step towards her.
‘Tell me the truth. You’re hiding something. I don’t know what it could be, but—’
‘What do you think I’m hiding from you?’ she cut him off scornfully. She nodded towards the stairs. ‘A baby?’
The words hung there, seeming to echo through the sudden silence of the room. Larenzo stared at her, saw how bloodless her lips were as they parted soundlessly.