Page 52 of Her Demon Daddy
He doesn’t wipe it off, as that would be too obvious to the other demons watching the ceremony. I grin at him, loving that he’s so emotional beneath his expensive, beautiful dress robes and the weighted golden crown between his horns.
Loud footsteps clack on the tile, and Asmodeus and I look to the door. We both grin as Vag’thimon approaches us, holding his tome of demonic courtship. He walks to us and smiles before taking Asmodeus’ hand, shaking it, and bowing to me. He looks out at the crowd of demons, stretching for miles as he shouts into the world.
“We gather here to honor a love that has passed the test of masked faces and the union of different species!” I look at Asmodeus, and we smile at each other as Vag’thimon continues. “Asmodeus and Siara are an example of true, profound love. They have traveled through various worlds, saved each other’s lives, and found solace in the kingdom of Galmoleth!”
The crowd cheers and I giggle with Asmodeus as I look out over all the demons that have shown up for our ceremony. I remember some from the courtroom in Ikoth, celebrating when Vag’thimon said Asmodeus would not be executed. Others are new and old followers of Asmodeus’ rule.
“I am here to unite these two in the demonic court of law and under the eyes of the divine Gods!” Vag’thimon motions to Asmodeus and me. “Will you please present each other your rings?”
Drar'ran hands me the one for Asmodeus as I watch Ti’lek give him mine. We hold out our hands and slide the rings onto each other’s fingers, the feeling of mine spurring giddiness inside me. I stop and breathe out, wondering how I got so lucky to be here today with the man I love, initiated into the royal family by his cousin, who almost executed him. It looks like good and love do always prevail, even in the world of demons.
“With these rings,” Vag’thimon declares loudly. “I pronounce the union of Asmodeus and Siara Drury blessed by the planet of Galmoleth and the power of the Divine!” He looks at Asmodeus and me admirably. “You may kiss your bride,” Vag’thimon says gently.
I smile and wrap my arms around Asmodeus’ neck as he bends me over and kisses me. The crowd cheers, but the sound doesn‘t fill my ears. I’m too distracted by the feeling of his smile beneath my lips. I grin in return before he stands me up and looks into my eyes, grinning and shaking his head, seemingly in amazement.
I look out over the crowd, and Asmodeus lifts his arm, grasping my hand. They cheer again, and I’m in awe of how many demons support our union. They have come from everywhere to witness the union of the demon King and a human woman, something considered taboo in most of Ikoth.
Asmodeus turns to me and kisses my hand, lifting his head with a grin as he steps aside. I turn around with my back to the crowd, facing Vag’thimon as Drar'ran adjusts my dress train, and Ti’lek brings Vagthimon the sword Asmodeus had personalized for me. He takes it and lifts it to the sky as it lays horizontally in his palms.
“By the power vested in me by the kingdom of Ikoth, I invite you all to be present for the coronation of Siara Drury!”
The crowd goes silent, and I bow my head to Vag’thimon as I kneel on the ground. He lowers the sword and looks at me with kind eyes.
“Repeat after me,” he says gently.
“I, Siara Drury, vow to protect and serve the people of Galmoleth during my reign as queen!”
I repeat the sentence, each word carrying twenty pounds of weight as they leave my mouth. I sneak a glance at Asmodeus, who beams at me as another tear leaves his eyes. I’ve never seen someone so proud of me, and I grin as Vag’thimon lowers the sword to my left shoulder.
“Siara Drury, may the Gods watch over you and your oath to serve and honor your people on Galmoleth.” He moves the sword lightly to my right shoulder, the sharp cold blade sending shivers through my body.
I bow my head to him again as Ti’lek brings Vag’thimon the crown and trades it for the sword. Drar'ran removes my tiara and walks beside Asmodeus as Vag’thimon holds the sparkling white gem-encrusted crown in the air, looking out over the crowd.
“Siara Drury,” he shouts to the crowd as he looks down at me and smiles, lowering the crown onto my head. “I pronounce you queen of Galmoleth!”
My audience cheers as the crown nestles gently in my hair. I stand up carefully and look at Vag’thimon, expressing gratitude with my eyes before turning around and looking at my people, the residents I reign over, and the demons that support my crowning.
I bow to them, holding the crown on my head gently, and when I stand back up, I see them bow in return. I turn to the side and look at Asmodeus, watching him clap as he shakes his head and smiles broadly.
I am a queen, a ruler of a world. I stand beside my King and will honor my vow to protect my people. I can create a new life for the residents of Galmoleth and make this world a safe and inclusive kingdom for all. I smile as I realize I finally have the power to bring more empathy and kindness into this world.
I lock arms with Asmodeus and spin around with him in the middle of the castle ballroom. The glint in our guest's eyes fills my heart with warmth as Asmodeus pulls me close. Our faces come together, and he places his forehead against mine as we stare into each other’s eyes. Backing away, he spins me another time, the train of my dress sweeping gracefully over the golden tiled floor. His arms wrap around my waist as he dips and kisses me, the instrumentals in the background ending slowly.
The night has been filled with drinking, dancing, meeting my new charges, speaking about what they would like to change in Galmoleth, and getting to know the names of their families. Now that the crown is bestowed on my head, I must pay attention to the details of the residents of Galmoleth. The best way to earn trust and honor is to connect with them on a deeper emotional level, to remind them that they’re not just numbers in the kingdom. Their lives matter to me, and I’m more than excited to undertake the beginning of my reign.
Asmodeus has been doing the same, chatting with his advisors and accomplices as we exchange loving glances from across the room. Toward the end of the night, we bid goodbye to the loving guests, and Drar'ran and Ti’lek begin to clean up the room. The last to leave is Ya’rell, who pulls me aside and speaks to me briefly in the corner of the ballroom.
“You did well tonight,” he says lowly.
“Thank you,” I breathe out the words quickly, placing my hand on my forehead and smiling. “I was so nervous.”
“You embody the role of queen well. You’re a natural.”
I grin and hug him as he stands still momentarily before embracing me. “Thank you, Ya’rell.”
“You’re welcome,” he responds as I pull from our embrace. “Queen Siara.”
He winks at me and leaves the venue, and Asmodeus comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck lightly. “You were amazing tonight.”