Page 64 of Hate At First Sight
I look at him, trying to decide if I should accept his apology. On one hand, a brand new phone is a pretty big gesture. On the other hand, he's still an asshole.
I take a deep breath and decide to give him the benefit of the doubt. "Thank you," I say, holding up the phone. "I really appreciate it."
"You're welcome," Jack says, a genuine smile spreading across his face. "I'm glad you like it. I know it can't make up for what I did, but I hope it's a start. Trying to turn over a new leaf and all that.”
He holds a tiny black object in his hand. “I also got you this.”
“What’s this?”
“I had a tech specialist retrieve the photos from your old phone of your dad. Again, I know you think I’m just some asshole. But I actually did feel bad about that. And gestures speak louder than words.”
Tears prick at my eyes as he hands it to me. “Holy shit. Thank you.” I wipe them away, not wanting to show my emotions to him. “There was a trip we went on, my father and I, to Florida together. I know that might seem silly but he’d never been and my sister and I drove down with him—he wasn’t much for flying by that time. And now…sorry. I’m ranting.”
“Indy. It’s okay. You can rant. I’m interested. I like hearing what you have to say.”
We stand there for a moment, looking at each other. I take a deep breath to center myself.
He comes closer and leans against the wall.
Feeling drawn to him, I get up and walk over toward him, and grip his bicep.
“Did you get sun burned today?”
“Nah,” he says. "That's just my normal tan. You looked good on the waves by the way. I'm impressed you got up on your first go-round with the board."
I smile and give him a playful punch on the arm. "Thanks, Jack. You're not so bad yourself. I've been wanting to ask, have you ever thought about teaching me how to surf?"
He grins back at me. “What, Brad didn’t do it for you?”
“Brad was good, sure. But I thought you could give me some extra tips?”
“Sure. We could hit the waves together next week if you want."
I nod eagerly. "Definitely. I can't wait."
We stand there for a moment longer, looking at each other. I can feel the tension between us, and I can see the way his eyes keep drifting down to my chest. He’s purposely not even trying to hide his attraction for me. I know he wants me, and I want him too.
It’s wrong. It’s so wrong, especially considering that I know I can’t cross the line with this man again.
But I simply can't resist the urge to flirt with him a little bit.
I mean, when am I going to be single, roommates with a hot billionaire on a yoga retreat again?
"You know, Jack," I say, reaching out to touch his arm again. "I was thinking about getting a new swimsuit for the weekend. Do you have any preferences?"
He raises an eyebrow and grins. "I'm sure whatever you choose will look amazing on you. But I think you know what color I like best on you, Indy."
I giggle and twirl around, giving him a little show. "Well, I was thinking something low-cut. You know, to show off my assets."
I can see the way his eyes light up at the suggestion, and I know I've got him hooked.
I walk over to my closet and start rummaging through my swimsuits, making sure to give him plenty of glimpses of my body as I do.
"What do you think of this one?" I ask, holding up a bright red bikini against my short shorts and sports bra.
He licks his lips and nods. "That one's definitely a winner."
I grin, jump to the bathroom, slip it on, then come back in and twirl around for him to get a good look. "Do you like it?"