Page 61 of Hate At First Sight
My eyes lock on hers.
I’m suddenly curious more about Amelia and her life.
“What’s life like, back home? Do you like it?”
She shrugs as she pours herself a cup of water from the faucet. “I don’t know. Born and raised in the Chicago area. My ex--he was a good guy in a lot of ways. I didn’t see the breakup coming. Thought I was going to get married to him, to be honest. It would have been a good life.”
I smirk, lean in and whisper. “How were his getting-his-face-ridden by you abilities? Was I better?”
She punches my shoulder playfully. “Shut up. You know, it’s nice when you actually talk to me like a human being and aren’t such an asshole.”
“Well I guess I better stop toning it down.”
“This is you toning it down?”
“That’s right.”
“What do you really want to say?”
I lean in and whisper again. “I want to say how I don’t give a shit about any of these questions I’m asking you. I just want to fuck you.”
She shudders. “You already know you’re hot. If you were actually a kind man, I might consider going on an actual date with you. But you’re not.”
Just then, Brad walks up the stairs. “Surf’s up, y’all. What’s going on?”
Brad looks slightly suspicious of the two of us.
“I was just telling Mr. Wellington how my ex didn’t make enough money for me to be a stay-at-home mom anyway. So now, I can just be a freelancing marketer and a yoga teacher. It’s the new economy. You’ve got to hustle.”
“Damn, you’re so rad, Amelia.”
“You’re rad, too, Brad,” Amelia says, deliberately corny, with a wink, and then looks at me.
I think she’s proud of that rhyme.
“Thanks.” Brad continues. “I just wanted to say I’m going to give Kate, Claudia, and a few of the girls surfing lessons in a half hour down at the beach. You should come by. Speaking of rad, it’s going to be totally rad.” He looks over at me. “Oh, you can come too, if you want, Jack.”
“Thanks for the invite. I think I will.”
“Yeah, Brad is quite the surfer,” Amelia says flirtily. “He’s ridden many big waves. And I’d love for him to show me how to ride big waves.”
“Oh we’ll find some big ones,” Brad adds.
Amelia shoots me a look and I see the game she’s playing. This woman is devious. And you know what? I dig it. Maybe I need a little crazy in my life.
“Sounds totally rad, Brad,” I wink. “You head down to the beach. I’ll join you all in a little bit.”
I see Amelia stifling a laugh.
Be…kinder? That’s her problem with me.
I don’t know if I can pull that off.
"Okay, ladies, are you ready to catch some waves?" Brad asks us as we stand on the sandy beach, staring out at the ocean.