Page 2 of Hate At First Sight
I turn back to face him, my heart beating faster.
“You forgot your phone,” he says, holding out my forgotten device. “Looks like it slipped out.”
I feel my cheeks flush with embarrassment as I take my phone from him. “Thank you,” I say, unable to hide the gratitude in my voice.
He nods, then steps back into the elevator, leaving me standing there, wondering if I’ll ever see him again.
Stars apparently still in my eyes, I collide with one of my younger coworkers, Fred, as the elevator doors are closing.
“Oh my gosh,” he says. “I’m so sorry. But was that…Jack?”
“Yes it was.”
“He looks like a slightly younger Ryan Reynolds…Jack is what, thirty-three or thirty-four?”
“No idea. I didn’t even know he came into the office,” I respond.
“Word on the street is, he lives somewhere where the weather is warmer.” Fred sighs. “That man has the most obvious big dick energy I’ve ever encountered.”
“He does have some B.D.E.” I nod in agreement.
“What I wouldn’t do to…” He breaks off eye contact, his mind obviously wandering off.
“Oh. Sorry. I really need to stay focused. Hot CEO guys are a weakness of mine.”
I laugh. “Mine too. Shoot. I could use some B.D.E. in my life after the breakup.”
“You and me both. I mean, no break up for me. But I can still use it. I can always use it. And hell, with Jack it’s not just energy. It’s been confirmed.”
“It’s been…confirmed?” I ask, puzzled. “Have you…”
Fred laughs heartily. “No, I haven’tseenhim naked. Unfortunately. But he dated that famous singer a few years back and she blabbed about it on some talk show after they broke up.”
“Oh. I mean I’ve always been more of a ‘motion in the ocean’ girl.”
“Amelia. That’s great. I love that for you.”
I sigh. “I mean it’s not like I’d ever hook up with a hot CEO like that anyway.”
He shakes his head. “That breakup really did a number on your self esteem. He’d beluckyto have you.” He shakes his head and checks his phone. “Anyway I have to jet to a meeting. What are you doing on my floor anyway?”
“I have to visit my boss.”
“Ah. A promotion perhaps? Good luck. And remember. B.D.E.”
“Yeah, okay.”
“No, for real. In your interview today. Bring it!” Fred winks as he presses the button for the elevator and it’s back to the task at hand. Time to get promoted.
With my composure regained, I say hello to the secretary then take a deep breath and knock on the door.
"Come on in," I hear my boss, Randy Rogers, say. I open the door and step inside.
I walk into the conference room with a spring in my step and a huge smile on my face. I've been working my butt off at this marketing firm for the past five years and I'm convinced that this is the moment I've been waiting for. I mean, what else could it be?
"Good morning, Amelia.” Randy greets me as I take a seat at the table.