Page 16 of Hate At First Sight
She presses the screen repeatedly, but it’s black. “Oh no, no no no!”
“See, this is what I’m talking about. Technology addiction. It’s a problem. I might be into some outlandish bedroom stuff, but cracking skulls isn’t one of them.”
She tilts her head a little.
“Or maybe you are into that?” I raise an eyebrow. “I mean, hey, whatever turns you on..”
“Who do you think you are?” she finally belts out. “You’re…I hate you.”
She’s taking huge, deep breaths, her chest heaving.
Damn. She’s dripping wet and I couldn’t be more turned on. She’s a hot one when she’s angry.
What did she say her name was?
Ah yes, Amelia.
My former employee.
Though I can’t believe she’s actually mad over the fact that I just saved her life by tackling us into the pool, so she didn’t take a spill on the concrete.
I rub my cheek.
“I’m the guy that just stopped both of us from hitting the pavement, headfirst. You should be thanking me.”
Her dark brown eyes are on fire, inches from mine now. She grabs hold of my forearm and, I admit, I immediately feel a spark roll through my body that I haven’t felt in a long time.
“Thanking you? Thanking you! Oh my God! You’re the most entitled man I’ve ever met. Why can’t you just leave me alone!”
I cross my arms.
“How dare you!” She waves her phone in the air. “This is destruction of personal property. This was not in the budget for this trip.”
“It’s 2023. How do you not have a waterproof phone?”
“That is only for when it gets a spill, not when it gets thrown in the pool.” She presses the screen repeatedly, but still--nothing.
“This is not a healthy relationship,” I say, pointing to her phone while keeping my eyes on her. “You’re crying because of a piece of technology. Do you understand what’s wrong with that?”
I do feel a little bad for her, though. I want to tell her I was really only trying to make a point. It seems silly now, though, to backtrack.
“It’s not just a piece of technology. I had…pictures on there. Important ones.”
“Of course they were important,” I say, trying to lighten the mood. “All those photos of dinner at the latest restaurant.”
She splashes me angrily. “No. There were pictures of my dad and I. And he’s dead.”
“Oh.” Now the guilt wracks through me, I admit.
I frown. “You didn’t back them up to the cloud?”
“No.” She shakes her head. “I didn’t.”
She crosses her arms in her blue bikini and it makes her cleavage pop up even more.
And those gorgeous brown eyes…it’s quite the combination.
Our eyes lock and this interrupts my train of thought.