Page 14 of Hate At First Sight
I pick up my phone and stand back up, between Jack and the pool.
“Don’t make fun of him. He’s an alright guy.”
“Still defending the guy who broke your heart. You’re really one of the good ones. Sucks that he fumbled the bag.”
“Fumbled the bag?”
“Yeah, you know. He missed you. But he’ll come back mark my words. They all do when they fuck up. Most of them, at least. Especially with a girl like you.”
“Why do you assumehefucked up? And what do you mean, girl like me?”
He grins. “I’m right, aren’t I?”
I can’t believe the ire this man has stirred up in me. I’m not this person who argues back. I’m not going to get into the weeds thatIwas actually the one who broke up with Jansen. I suppose he did break my heart by not proposing for five long years.
“Okay, what I didn’t come here for was to be lectured by strangers who don’t even know the ins and outs of my own life path.” I realize he doesn’t even recognize me from our little encounter on the elevator. I was just some anonymous employee he fired. “So get lost. And please, don’t get on my bad side.” I add.
He doesn’t flinch, and stands up.
I put my hands on my hips and look him in the eye.
“Maybe you’ll get on mine,” he says.
It infuriates me further that I have to point my head up and look up almost a full foot to make eye contact with him.
“I’m going to get on your bad side? You have to be kidding me. I’m just enjoying my day. And guess what? You’re an asshole. You want to know why?”
“I know I am one. But please, tell me why.”
Our eyes lock. “You don’t even remember me.”
“Why would I remember you? Have you stayed here before?”
“No. I used to work for you at Wellington Media.”
“Oh?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Yeah. Ever hear of it?”
Now his eyes are searching me for clues, but I can tell our encounter wasn’t notable for him.
“I was the top employee performing there last year. Until my incompetent CEO fired me and…”
“Wait, you’re starting to look familiar,” he interrupts.
His jaw drops, and for once in his life, and he’s speechless. He puts a finger to his lips like he’s got an idea on the tip of his tongue.
“You’re…” He snaps his fingers. “Holy shit. You’re the smokeshow from the elevator in the blue dress.”
My heart coils in my chest again. Not sure if it’s anger, attraction, or some anxiety. Or maybe I’m flattered that he actually noted me.
“That’s me.” I offer a slightly silly, cheery grin. “The smokeshow in blue. Not like I have a name or anything.”
“Why don’t you tell me your name?”
“How about no?”
Our gazes catch and lock--through his sunglasses. We’re standing so close to one another, I can feel the heat from his body. Annoyingly, I only see my own reflection in his sunglasses.