Page 99 of For You
I look at Luke’s face. It’s straight. But he’s definitely worried. “Nine thousand,” Amanda calls from behind. I can literally feel the proverbial daggers hitting my back.
“She doesn’t have that kind of money. She just doesn’t want to lose.”
“Neither do I,” I breathe, and Arabella looks at me. “Have that kind of money.” I neglect to point out the fact that I don’t want to lose either, not now, especially to his ex-lover who shamelessly hinted to an engagement after a few dates. She’s not right for Luke. Definitely not right.
“Ten thousand!” Arabella once again throws my arm in the air. “I’m paying. Stop worrying.”
“You can’t pay thousands for your own brother.”
“I’m not. I’m buying you a gift.”
I’m utterly speechless, and one thing that seems to be very apparent is that Arabella is determined. And clearly loyal, looking out for her brother. So I let her get on with it—my limp arm being hoisted into the air with each bid she makes on my behalf—until she hits a whopping fifteen thousand and the crowds are gasping. Amanda doesn’t go any higher. Instead, she shouts her frustration, and Arabella turns a sly, satisfied look her way as she pushes me toward the stage.
I walk, a bit bewildered, toward the front on the room, crowds moving from my path to let me through. When I reach the front, Luke has his smile firmly back in place. I laugh, dropping my eyes to the floor. I actually can’t believe what just happened.
“Do I call you Madam, or would you prefer Master?” He slips off the stage and takes my hand, bowing and kissing the back. “How can I serve you?”
“Stop it,” I scold, letting him wrap an arm around my shoulder and hug me to his side.
“Phew, that was close,” Luke whispers as he walks us back toward Arabella. I’m pleased to note Amanda is nowhere in sight.
“I didn’t know who she was,” I admit. “If she’d have been holding a Tiffany catalogue, on the other hand.”
Luke laughs, a deep, rumbling laugh. “Here, drink.”
I thank him for the fizz and chink glasses with him and Arabella. “I can’t believe you did that,” I say to Arabella. “Fifteen thousand pounds for your own brother.”
“Then you better make sure you get my money’s worth.” She puts her tongue in her cheek before she downs her drink, and I nearly spit mine out, feeling my face burning up.
“Yes, what will you do with me?” Luke asks, his face serious and straight.
My eyes bounce between the two of them, and not knowing what to say, I finish another drink instead. I’m beginning to feel a little tipsy, and I can’t lie, it’s a feeling I’m quite enjoying. “You two are terrible people,” I mutter, making them both laugh.
Arabella sets her empty on a tray and reaches up to her brother, kissing his cheek. “I’ve endured this place for long enough. I have friends to catch up with.”
“Yes, you go. Thanks for tagging along.”
“It was really lovely to meet you, Lo.” Arabella sounds so sincere as she embraces my startled body.
“I’ve cost you thousands, and I only met you an hour ago. Thank you.”
She laughs. “Don’t mention it. Just keep that witch away from my brother.”
“I’ll try,” I promise. It seems we’re both in agreement that Amanda is no good for Luke. “Hope to meet you again.”
“Oh, I’m sure we will.” She flounces off, just as Matthew dances toward us, looking significantly happier than the last time I saw him.
“Fifteen thousand pounds!” He punches Luke’s bicep and gently taps mine. “Where’d you find that kind of cash to blow so frivolously?”
I feel myself withdraw slightly, the magnitude of it hitting me. Fifteen thousand pounds. That’s a ridiculous chunk of money that would go a long way toward the surgery Billy needs to save his life. And Arabella just threw it away like it was nothing.
“She didn’t,” Luke says, sensing my sudden despondency. “My sister paid.”
“Oh. Well, that’s weird.” Matthew thumbs over his shoulder, and Luke and I both look to find his buyer hovering nearby. “So, I was going to head off. Freda knows a nice place around the corner that serves the best pasta in town. Mind?”
“No, you go.” It’s nice to see Matthew focused on something other than computer programs and glitches. “Enjoy.”
“Thanks.” He backs away, rubbing his proverbial hands together.
“And remember to do what you’re told,” Luke calls.
Matthew’s eyes sparkle. “Oh, I will.”
I lean up and get my mouth close to Luke’s ear. “I don’t think Freda looks like the kind of woman to tell a man what to do.”
“I think you might be right.” Luke chuckles, turning into me. I don’t realize that I’m leaning on him until I lose my footing slightly and stagger. “Oopsie, clumsy.” He swoops in and grabs me, stabilizing me.