Page 57 of For You
I balk. “Seriously?”
“Seriously.” She laughs, discarding her empty glass on the side.
“Six grand, just like that? I’m in the wrong business.”
“Well, five at the moment. One little man hasn’t got a home yet.” Pam pouts. “He’s the runt of the litter, bless him. A lemon beagle. He won’t make Crufts.”
“I’ll have him.” I have not a fucking clue where those words came from, and I actually look over my shoulder, like someone behind me said them.
“What?” Pam laughs harder. “You?”
“Yes.” I square my shoulders, slightly offended. “I brought up my Tia, and she turned out just fine.” I ignore the fact that she’s currently on her way to Cambodia with Stig of The Dump. “A puppy will be a breeze.”
Pam lowers her chin, looking at me questioningly over her glasses. “You want a puppy?”
“Yes.” My mind goes into overdrive. I’ll meet Lo every day and we’ll walk our dogs together. It’s the best idea I’ve ever had.
“And who’s going to look after the puppy while you’re at work?”
“I’ll take him to work with me.” No problem.
“Right.” Pam part frowns part laughs.
I nod decisively. “I’ll pick him up on Sunday. Have him ready for six.”
“Okay,” Pam relents, waving to a few people by the bar. “Then I’ll be off to give your new baby his bedtime feed.”
“Great.” I toast her declaration and polish off the rest of my drink. “See you Sunday.”
Pam wanders off, and I spend the next hour drinking way more than I should, while chatting with some of my staff, most of them more pissed than I am. When Todd makes his way over to me with a huge grin on his face, I know exactly what’s coming. “So”—he moves in close to my side, and my eyes fall to the two women at the bar he’s spent the last hour charming— “Maxine and Cherry are up for a night at Luke’s Bar.”
“I love how there are no women permitted in our bar until you say so.” I catch the eye of the brunette. I don’t know if it’s Maxine or Chelsea, but I return her smile, nevertheless.
Todd points his tumbler at them, his cheek nearly touching mine as he looks over. “Don’t let me down, bro. Maxine thinks you’re hot.”
“How old are they?” I ask, and immediately wonder why. I don’t usually.
“Who cares? We’re past forty. We need to seize these opportunities when we can. We might wake up tomorrow with thinning hair or erectile dysfunction.”
“What the fuck, Todd?” I cough, getting lusty eyes from Maxine.
“Hey, could be a true story.”
“Not if I have anything to do with it.” My hand instinctively goes to my hair and runs through the thickness.
“Then you’ll come?” He looks at me hopefully.
“You have your place back now. Take Chelsea there.”
“It’s Cherry. And what about her friend?” Todd whines. “If you don’t jump on board, they’ll do that girly thing girls do when they refuse to leave each other.”
“Then have a threesome.” I turn toward the bar and slip my empty onto the side. “I’m not game tonight.”
“What the fuck’s gotten into you, Luke?” Todd gives me evil eyes. “Since when are you not game?”
I drop my head back tiredly. “Maybe I’m re-evaluating my approach to relationships.”
“Oh my God. So are you telling me you’re not attracted to her?” He points in the direction of Maxine.
“Of course not,” I say stupidly. She’s a stunner.
“Great, then you’ll come.” Todd slaps my shoulder and heads back to the women before I can argue with him, and I stand for a few moments, joining Todd in trying to figure out what’s gotten into me. Todd has every right to be put out by my refusal to entertain the two women. It’s how we roll, always has been.
When Todd looks back at me and flicks his head in gesture for me to get my arse moving, I go with it, turning and saying a few farewells before I make my way over, being greeted with a lovely smile from Maxine.
“Hi.” I offer my hand. “Luke.”
“Maxine,” she replies, flicking an impressed look to her blonde friend. “Todd suggested a few drinks at your place.”
I bet he did. I cast a glance to Todd, finding him mildly nodding. “Then shall we?” I drop her hand and motion to the door.
The girls slip down from their stools and strut out of the bar, and Todd fist-pumps the air. “We’re back in the game, bro.”
I laugh at the stupid twat and let him push me out of the bar.
The taxi ride to my place was pretty uneventful, Maxine and I silent, Todd and Cherry trying to control wandering hands.
As Todd pours drinks at the bar, I slip off my jacket and toss it on a chair, heading for the jukebox. I select a random playlist, and The Weeknd starts to fill the room. As I approach the bar, both of the women slip out of their coats and get comfy on bar stools, taking the wine Todd slides toward them.