Page 70 of The Greek Billionaire's Deceived Wife
“I just remembered our first night.”
His chest tightened. He knew he had ruined that memory for her completely after what she had learned. “I’m sorry,” he said tautly, but to his surprise, his wife shook her head vehemently at him.
“You don’t understand.” She looked up at him with a teary smile. “I remember it, and it doesn’t hurt. It’s as beautiful as it was because now I know...” Her voice caught, and she bit her lip hard. “It’s beautiful again, because now I know—-” She reached up, drawing him to her as she whispered with sweet conviction, “You’re mine.”
He closed his eyes, her sweetness healing him, and he said rawly, “That’s right, my love.” He kissed her wet face, licking her tears, and as he brushed his lips against hers, “I’m yours.”
And in the years they had been together, Kyr had never been this sweet, never been this gentle, never been this tender, and it pierced her straight to the heart. He caressed her like she was the most fragile thing in the world, and as he worshipped every inch of her body, he didn’t stop whispering the most loveliest words in the world.
I’m happy to be yours.
I’ve dreamt of this for so long.
If this is a dream, don’t wake me up.
Stay with me forever, my love.
You will always be my heart.
I want to wake up next to you every day of my life.
And when he finally entered her, their bodies joining together, both of them had been unable to speak. They could only stare at each other, both of them excruciatingly aware of just how close they had come to losing it all.
“Oh, Kyr.” He started to move, and her eyes closed at the beauty of it. “I love you, Kyr.”
And unlike before, he no longer answered her with silence.
Thrusting all the way in, his cock reaching her womb, her husband bent his head, whispering, “I love you, Pollyanna.”
The Gazis family was the talk of the town again. Arriving in full force to watch the twins in their first theater performance at school, the Greek billionaire and his young, entrepreneurial wife had everyone staring and whispering at the way they couldn’t stop staring and touching each other.
A married couple of over eight years, still holding hands, sniffed a socialite disapprovingly. How crass.
Behind them were Pollyanna’s parents, who were holding Leo’s hands, and following after them were the Floros, who had Annalisa. This last trio had everyone shaking their heads and whispering even more.
Aren’t those the parents of Ana Jenner, the Hollywood celebrity who also happened to be Kyrillos Gazis’ ex?
Didn’t the actress say that Mrs. Gazis lost her virginity on the same bed as Ana did?
Oh my God, she’s so stupid for staying with her husband.
Her children won’t ever respect her once they find out how stupid she is.
She should have just taken him to the cleaners, demanded fifty percent of everything he owned.
On and on it went, but none of the Gazis family and their loved ones cared. The Floros had long mended their relationship with Pollyanna, and as for their birth daughter, the final nail in the coffin had been her decision to talk about Kyr and Pollyanna to the media. Ezio and Dinah had no longer tried contacting Ana after that, and vice versa.
As Pollyanna and Kyr claimed their front row seats, she told him ruefully, “You hear them, right?”
He smiled, but his voice was utterly serious as he asked, “Do you want me to shut them all up?”
Remembering the last time he took offense on her behalf, she said hastily, “Uh, no, forget whatever I said.” She reached up and touched the lines on his forehead. “Now, stop frowning. I’m sorry I brought it up.”
He shook his head. “It’s not your fault the world’s filled with crazy, jealous—-”
“I can feel you getting angrier,” she said, wincing. “Please forget it, please?” Giving her husband a winsome smile, she added, “Besides, we’re sponsoring this year’s bingo for the school. They know which, umm, bottoms to kiss if they want to score more bingo cards.”
His frown finally disappeared, but his tone was faint when he repeated, “Bottoms? Are you serious, psaraki? You can’t even say ‘ass’—-”
She slapped a hand over his mouth. “Kyr,” she hissed. “We’re in school!”
He took her hand off his mouth. “Butt then?”
But Pollyanna only laughed. “I’m sorry, but your dreams of having a dirty-mouthed wife will just have to stay like that. A dream.”
He didn’t answer, only looked at her thoughtfully under hooded lids.
She started to feel uneasy. “Kyr...”
But then the curtains started to rise, the twins appeared, and Pollyanna forgot all about her husband’s tendency to take every challenge seriously.
Two hours later, and the play had ended, its receptive audience treating the young thespians with a standing ovation. After, everyone trooped excitedly to the Gazis’ mega yacht, which was where this year’s school bingo would be held. The children were immediately directed to the boardwalk on the upper deck while the adults went straight to the ballroom on the lower deck. Most of the time, the school’s charity bingo was a poorly attended event. But this year was different, with parents buying as many bingo cards as possible and inviting their friends to join them.