Page 6 of The Greek Billionaire's Deceived Wife
Kissing them goodbye and promising to be back by dinner, Pollyanna headed out with a happy smile lingering on her lips. Again, she opted for the longer route to town, taking on the rocky path that wound through the island’s woods so she could enjoy Teleios’ little-known verdant side. For most people, the island was all about beaches and parties. But thanks to Ezio and Dinah, Pollyanna had become privy to its best-kept secrets, which ranged from everything to hidden waterfalls to spectacular cliff formations to eerily beautiful caves.
Reaching the town, Pollyanna was able to greet most of the locals she bumped into by name. Even though she had only been in the island for a week, Pollyanna’s unassuming and easygoing nature had her becoming fast friends with everyone she came to meet.
When she reached the first major crossroad, Pollyanna caught sight of a familiar face and called out in greeting.
“Oh, hey, Polly.” Tall and good-looking, nineteen-year-old Abram watched with pleasure as the curvy strawberry blonde made her way to him. “What are you off to do this time?” He adjusted his hold on the reins as he spoke.
“Mmm...” Pollyanna considered the question seriously.
In front of Polly, Abram’s pair of black horses continued to prance about, causing Abram’s fancy-looking carriage to shift on its wheels. Shaking his head in amusement, he remarked to Polly, “Take pity on my horses, will you? I think they’re trying to get your attention.”
Polly burst into laughter, but she was more than happy to pet the horses, which stood a lot taller than her five-foot-two frame.
“They probably think I’m their long-lost child or something since I’m so small,” she joked.
“Or they’ve fallen in love with you because you’re so pretty,” Abram flirted.
The compliment, albeit spoken in all honesty, was only wasted on Pollyanna, who hadn’t a vain bone in her body. Shaking her head back at Abram, she only said pertly, “I bet that flattery’s gotten you to earn a lot of tips from your female guests.”
“Well..." Abram spoke with unconvincing modesty, and was pleased when it made Pollyanna laugh again. After, he asked, “So, what’s it to be for today?” He knew Polly only had limited time in the island and was eager to help his crush to make the most out of it.
“Maybe snorkeling, but only if it’s within budget.”
“I’ll do you one better,” Abram said smugly. “You know the manor on the other side of the island?”
“The one that belongs to the island’s owner?”
Abram nodded. “That one, and it’s at the back of the resort. Just go straight to its private beach, look for Chris, and tell him I’m loaning you my gear.”
“And that’s it?” Pollyanna asked doubtfully.
And so with this, Pollyanna was off to the island’s biggest and most expensive resort. Wearing an old shirt over her modest one-piece swimsuit and flip-flops, she stood out unbecomingly from the resort’s exclusive clientele. It was not, however, the reason women around Pollyanna were giving her dirty looks. In truth, they hated the way the girl’s fresh-faced beauty and air of innocence made them feel old and fake, and they especially hated the way she didn’t seem to care at all about the attention she was drawing from the men.
When Pollyanna made it to the resort’s private beach, she was stunned to find it empty except for just one man standing at the far end, his back to her.
Chris sure had the most awesome job in the world, Pollyanna thought. Teleios’ public beaches were always crowded from day to night. To have all this to himself – well, it was like being king.
Too bad he’s being emo. It was a conclusion she had come to after observing the way the stranger continued to gaze faraway into the sea. Wanting to respect his emotional space, Pollyanna deliberately slowed down. The stranger was extremely tall, maybe more than a foot taller than she was. And sexy, Pollyanna couldn’t help noticing with a blush. Dressed in only a pair of black board shorts, the man boasted of ridiculously broad shoulders, a well-defined back, and strong, muscular legs.
This was definitely Chris, she decided. Add his ruthlessly cropped hair and skin so dark it was as if he had spent all his life under the sun, the man had all the makings of a lifeguard.
When she was a foot away, she stopped, cleared her throat, and called out, “Chris?”
THE AMERICAN ACCENT made Kyrillos Gazis frown in utter displeasure. A tourist, he thought grimly, and a pretty bold one at that.
This was his beach, which even the resort’s guests were not permitted entry. He turned slowly, not relishing the prospect of having to reject another gold-digger. But before he could speak, the girl continued in earnest apology, “Before anything else, I want you to know it’s going to be okay.”
Kyr blinked. What the hell was she saying? His frown deepened. And who the hell was she? Just one look at her, and he knew right away someone like this girl wouldn’t be able to afford any of the services his resort offered. Her shirt was so old it could pass as a rag, the swimsuit she had under it was obviously the off-the-rack kind, and worst of all, her flip-flops were the kind only seven-year-old kids could wear without dying of embarrassment.