Page 10 of The Greek Billionaire's Deceived Wife
It had been an incredibly touching sight, and if she hadn’t been convinced that she was in love with him, well, that had totally underscored the nature of her feelings.
Kyr suddenly turned towards her, catching Pollyanna staring at him. His lips curved in a knowing smirk, and she felt her cheeks heating in response.
“Like what you’re looking at?” His tone was all sexy arrogance.
Her flush deepened, and she asked in a mixture of exasperation and genuine amazement, “How can you be so immodest?”
But this only made the billionaire throw his head back in laughter, the sound as irresistible as the rest of him.
When they were done, it was almost nine in the morning and she invited unthinkingly, “Would you like to come back to the house and have a drink first?”
The billionaire’s gaze became hooded. “Thank you for the offer, psaraki, but I’m good at waiting here.”
Oh. She had forgotten again. Forcing a smile, she said, “Then I’ll just be as quick as I can.” Taking the two huge baskets of roses with her, she hurried away, fighting back tears all the while.
Kyr looked after her broodingly, knowing that he had hurt her again. But there was nothing he could do. He would never set foot back in the Floros’ household, not even for someone as genuinely, naively nice as Pollyanna.
While waiting for Polly’s return, Kyr absently cast his mind back on the past seven days. Ever since their accidental meeting by the beach, he had found himself spending all of his free time with the eighteen-year-old girl...platonically.
After her shocking the hell out of him by choosing to be with his “non-playboy” side, Kyr had shocked himself even more by still wanting to get to know her. That first day, he had taken her to the best spot for snorkeling and, afterwards, had invited her to dinner.
Which she had refused, Kyr thought, the memory still stinging a little.
Her eyes sorrowful, she had told him regretfully that she had promised to have dinner with her godparents, so could they take a rain check on it instead?
Yes, of course, he had agreed. What else was there to say that wouldn’t make him sound like a selfish bastard? But he had also thought to ask who her godparents were, and that was when he found out she was living with Ana’s parents.
Of all the fucking people in the world, she had to be with the two persons on the island he didn’t want to have anything to do with.
And that should have been his cue to get the fuck out of her life, Kyr knew. The moment he found out about her connection to the Floros, he should have ended it then and there.
But he hadn’t.
Instead, he had let it go on. The second day, they had gone horseback riding, their pace relaxed as Kyr gave her a tour of his island while peppering her with questions.
Where was she from? Arkansas.
Was she an only child? Yes.
Was she spoiled? No.
What did she plan after the summer? Attend college.
She had never hesitated to answer any of his questions until they came to her age. This, she had answered hesitantly, as if afraid that her age would offend him.
It didn’t, but it had made Kyr feel momentarily uneasy.
She had just turned eighteen this year.
Eighteen, and he was twenty-eight, a good decade older than she was.
And that had been the second sign.
She’s too young for you, Kyrillos Gazis, his conscience had warned him. It urged him to leave her, but again he had refused to listen.
The third day, he had taken her to the island’s main museum, which exhibited photos of Teleios’ most famous guests. It was a near accurate display, and the only thing it lacked was a photo of her, one of Hollywood’s highest-paid actresses today.
The fourth day, he had gotten Pollyanna to ride the island’s submarine, an activity patterned after an attraction he had experienced in Hawaii. And this was the time he had found out she was claustrophobic.
Why didn’t you tell me, Kyr had burst out furiously when he realized what was wrong. He had been about to drag her back to the surface when she held his arm, and her touch – the very first time she had initiated contact between them – had immobilized him.
I really want to enjoy this, please, she had pleaded.
How are you going to enjoy this when you look like you’re about to faint any second, he had demanded incredulously.
To which she had answered with a ghost of smile, Easy. Let me ask the questions this time.
What was his favorite color? Blue.
What was his favorite drink? Water.
What was his favorite movie? The Langoliers.
What was his favorite book? The Call of the Cthulu.
Those questions had been the third sign.
Any other girl would have asked him about his fame and wealth. What was his net worth? How many countries had he visited? Did he have his own jet? What were the names of his most famous friends?