Page 5 of Doc (Salvation's Bane MC)
The girl turned to go, but Caroline was persistent. “Please don’t go yet, Talia. You promised to eat dinner with us. Remember?”
“I said I’d think about it.” She glanced at her watch. It wasn’t a fancy watch like the kind that connects to your phone, but one that looked vintage grandma. Tiny face. Elastic metal band. “I’m sorry, but I really need to go.” To say Talia looked supremely uncomfortable was an understatement. She wouldn’t look at Beatrix at all and only cast furtive glances my way. Mostly she had her head down.
“Daddy?” Linnie gave me a pleading look, like she thought I had the power to keep her friend with us. When my little girl gave me that look, there was no denying her. Good idea or not.
“It’s all right, Talia. Trix was just leaving. You’re more than welcome to join Linnie and me for supper.”
God help me, the girl’s head snapped up, and she looked at me with wide, startled eyes before glancing at Trix again and lowering her gaze. “I’m sorry. But I really can’t. I was supposed to go straight home. I’ll be in trouble as it is.”
“I’ll make things right with your dad, but tell me why you disobeyed him. Did Linnie ask you to bring her here?” I wanted Trix to hear this. Whatever it was. Because, again, I already knew the answer. It didn’t take a genius to figure it out.
“No. She didn’t ask. And don’t worry about my dad. I’ll be in trouble, but I know the rules. I’ll tell him what happened and let him be the judge of if I was right or wrong.”
“Lia…” I deliberately shortened her name, making it intimate so she’d look up at me again. It worked, though I thought I might fall to my knees the second her gaze locked with mine. The girl was stunningly lovely and so Goddamned innocent I knew I was going to hell for all the dirty thoughts I’d have about her tonight. “Who asked you to bring Linnie to me at the beach?”
“Mr. Rothschild, sir.”
OK. Couple of things. First, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t look Trix’s way and smirk a little. I didn’t wish her ill, but the woman was a serious bitch and had needed taking down a few pegs for a very long time. Karma being the bitch it is, Trix had cheated on me most of the time we were together. I guess she was getting a taste of her own medicine. If I didn’t need to take Chucky and beat the shit out of him for stranding my daughter, I might have bought the bastard a beer.
Second thing? Hearing Talia call me sir hit me like a runaway freight train. The only thing keeping me upright was sheer force of will, because every ounce of blood in my body went straight to my dick. Thank God I was wearing jeans. It wasn’t much protection, and I’m sure my cock was very noticeable if anyone was looking, but it was better than fucking swimming trunks.
“Lying bitch!” Trix stepped forward and, before I realized what she intended and could stop her, she slapped Talia full across the face. She snapped the girl’s head to the side, but Talia turned her face back to my ex, her gaze calm.
“Beatrix!” I knew better than to touch Trix. She’d find a way to get access to the public camera service and use it against me in court. Instead, I put my body between her and the girls. Caroline gasped, but Talia didn’t make a sound.
“Talia! Are you all right? Ohmigod! Mom! Why’d you do that?”
“I don’t know what the two of you cooked up, Caroline, but I’m sure that horrid girl put you up to it.”
“You need to leave, Beatrix.” I pointed to her car in the parking area. “Now. I’ll give you an answer about the other in a couple of days.”
She sniffed derisively. “In a couple of days, the price goes up. Keep that in mind.”
I ground my teeth together to keep from telling her to get fucked. It was definitely time to see if Wrath was still willing to honor his offer of help. And, so help me God, Beatrix wasn’t getting another red fucking cent.
Chapter Two
I was in so much trouble… Not only was I going to be extremely late getting home, but there was no way Dad could possibly not notice I’d been in a fight. It might have been an open-handed slap, but I was sure she’d got me with the heel of her hand. I tried not to react, but it hurt like a bitch, and I wasn’t sure how well I managed. I’d have a nice, reddish bruise on my jaw by the time I got back to the compound. That would put my dad into a killing rage. No one hurt me and lived to tell about it. That more than anything scared me. I didn’t want to be responsible for anyone dying. Not even Ms. Collins.