Page 25 of Doc (Salvation's Bane MC)
It didn’t take her long to crest again. This time when she came, I joined her. With a loud groan, I emptied myself into that cursed condom. I wanted to fill her up with my seed. To stake my claim good and proper. But, again, there’d be time for that.
I collapsed on top of her. Lia didn’t seem to mind my heavy weight pinning her down, though. She found my hair with her fingers again and dug them in, rubbing my scalp in a soothing motion. She whimpered as she turned her head to kiss my cheek. So I met her kiss with my own. This time, I was gentle. Tender. Only wanting to praise, not arouse.
“You good, baby?”
“Yeah.” Her sigh sounded happy and content. “Better than good. I’ve never felt anything like that before. Thank you.”
“I’m the one who should be thankin’ you, sweetheart. You were absolutely perfect.” I gave her a lingering kiss before rolling off her and heading to the bathroom. “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”
I made short work of the condom and washed myself quickly. Then, taking a clean cloth, I wet it with warm water and hurried back to Lia. She protested slightly, but the girl was already fighting sleep. She let me clean her gently before I climbed back into bed with her. She was utterly still, her only movement the subtle rise and fall of her chest. She’d passed out cold.
With a soft chuckle, I pulled the covers around us and settled myself next to her. God, she was priceless! There was no way I could have ever found a woman so perfectly suited to me. I didn’t give a fuck if I was two decades older than her. Talia was mine. Given to me by her daddy, she’d accepted me enough to let me have her body. Next thing I’d do was win her heart. Lord knew she already had mine.
Chapter Six
“So? What’s the verdict?” Thorn leaned back in his chair where he sat in his office. His desk was immaculate, which meant he was expecting company.
Lia held tightly to my hand as we sat on the leather couch in front of Thorn’s desk. She looked up at me. When I nodded, she turned her attention back to Thorn. “Before I answer that, I want to know what you think about it.”
Thorn held her gaze for several seconds before he spoke. Instead of answering her right away he skipped ahead in the conversation. “He said he wanted to marry you as well to give you the protection of his name as well as financial security. Naturally, there will be loose ends to work out.” Thorn glanced from Lia to me. “I hear you have problems with your ex?”
“I do. It can wait until things are settled with Lia and Rocket, though.” I nodded at his desk. “You’re expecting company?”
“Yep. Rocket and his enforcer will be here shortly. I want this thing settled so we all know what to expect from each other.” He pinned Talia with a hard gaze. “You’ll stay for this meeting until I say to leave.” He leaned back in his chair and scrubbed a hand over his face. “The last thing I want is for there to be any misunderstandings regarding the daughter of the president of another MC. I know how I’d feel if you were my own daughter.”
“I understand.” Lia’s voice was soft but strong.
“To answer your question, you obviously make Doc happy. Caroline couldn’t stop talking about you yesterday. She says you’re always so patient with your students, and you never hesitate to help anyone. She was genuinely excited for you to be with her dad.” He shrugged. “I think you’ll be good for the two of them. You’ll round out their family and be the glue that holds them together. So, I’m all for it.” Talia glanced at me, a becoming blush sweeping up her neck. “So?” Thorn raised an eyebrow at her. “You stayin’ or goin’?”
Talia looked up at me with a slight smile. “I’m staying.”
“Yeah, I can see that.” Thorn chuckled.
“I-I have questions, though.” Lia was nervous. Anyone could see that. But she was standing up for herself. Asking the things that were important to her.
“Lay it on me.” Thorn grinned as he glanced at me, obviously pleased she wasn’t as meek as she’d seemed at first.
“What happens if Doc…” She swallowed and glanced at me. She was trying to phrase her question delicately so she didn’t insult me. I knew it like I knew my own name. “I mean, he’s been good to me. He says and does all the right things, and I’m actually looking forward to at least giving this a try, but I don’t really know Doc. What if he’s…”
“What she’s trying to ask is, if I hurt her, will you have her back, or will you throw her back to the wolves?” I winked at Lia when her face reddened, and she ducked her head. I couldn’t have her ashamed for wanting the answer to that question, so I put an arm around her and pulled her closer so I could kiss her cheek.