Page 20 of Doc (Salvation's Bane MC)
Her eyes were wide. Deep blue eyes that caught the light reflecting in them to sparkle like diamonds. She looked up at me with lust shining in those beautiful eyes. Dazed. Eager. There was no way Talia wasn’t going to be mine. I’d keep her safe. Then I’d just keep her.
“You ready for bed, baby?” I brushed a strand of hair off her face, cupping her cheek gently.
She nodded slightly, her gaze clinging to mine. I could see the exact moment she realized exactly how far in over her head she was in. Talia swallowed. A small amount of fear entered her features, but it was still clouded by the lust.
“Don’t be afraid, Lia. Be nervous if you need to -- excited would be even better -- but don’t ever be afraid of me. You and my daughter are going to be the center of my world from here on out.”
“How can you know that? Any woman in this town would be happy to give you anything you wanted. What makes you think you want me? Because I can’t be a burden on you like I’ve been to my father. That would be too much for me.”
“I know, because I’ve already had more than my fair share of women in this town. And several other towns. Every single one of them had a look of greed and excitement on their faces when I had them in a similar position as you’re in right now. Not because they’d found pleasure in my touch or because they loved me. I’ve always been a way to either money or social status. Even among the club girls. I’m not a high-ranking member of the club, but I have the respect of the community. They think I’ll be their key to real power in the city. Or, at the very least, they think they’ll have anything they want.” I could see her wince, like she thought I HAD lumped her into that same category. Which couldn’t be further from the truth. “That’s not you, Lia. The look in your eyes, on your lovely face, is wonder and awe even. The truth is, I’ve never met a woman I wanted to give money or power to. Until I met you, Lia. You? I’d give you anything your heart desired and find more to shower you with.”
She gasped softly. “You don’t even know me.”
“I know enough to know you’re a very talented, very sweet woman. I’ve heard you play more than a few instruments. Pretty sure you dance too. You took care of my daughter when she needed it. That tells me all I need to know about you.”
Talia stood, her gaze not wavering from mine. “Then I guess I’ll have to work extra hard to prove myself to you.”
“You have nothing to prove, honey. Just get to know me. I promise I’ll do everything in my power to keep you happy.”
She held out her hand to me. “Then I guess we should go to bed. If that’s how you want to proceed, we should, you know, get to it.” She looked equal parts terrified and eager. I couldn’t blame her. I felt much the same.
I kissed the palm of her hand. “You know I’d never hurt you. Right?”
“I know,” she said with a swallow. “I’m just in a new situation.”
“If it makes you feel better, so am I.” I grinned at her then stood.
“What do you mean? You just said you’d had more than your share of women.”
“Not the sex part, baby.” I tugged her hand, pulling her against me. Then I scooped her up and strolled to the bed with Lia in my arms. “The whole sharing-my-bed-with-a-woman thing. I never do that. Not for longer than it takes to fuck them, and never in my own bed. That distinction belongs to you now. Only you.”
“If you’re playing me, Doc, know I’ll never recover from this.” Tears leaked from her eyes as she picked at my T-shirt collar with nervous fingers. She continued in a voice that was nearly a whisper. “I’ve dreamed about this since the first day you brought Caroline to class. I saw you, and I wondered what it would be like to have you. It would break my heart if you were playing with me.”
I tilted my head at her, trying to process what she’d confessed. “Wasn’t expecting that. I wish I’d known. I’d have approached you long before now. But I swear, I’ll take care of you, Lia. I told you, I’m all in with this.” I set her down gently on the bed before sitting on the edge beside her. “Now. Off with your clothes. I’ll get you one of my shirts if you want to wear something to bed. Otherwise, sleep as naked as you want.”
She blushed and muttered under her breath about me enjoying her discomfort. It wasn’t true, but I did enjoy her blushes. Surprisingly, she obeyed me. I’d catch her if she slipped in her faith in me along the way. And with Trix out there wanting more money, I was sure there would be times coming when Lia would question my loyalty to her. I’d just have to be up to the task. I’d have to wrap her so tightly with myself that she never wanted to be free of me. I’d also have to find it inside me to love again, because Lia deserved nothing less than love from me.