Page 16 of Doc (Salvation's Bane MC)
Thorn glanced at me. “No offense, but that will only happen with time. I’m not putting the safety of this club in jeopardy because Doc found a compassionate spot inside him we all thought was dead. You’re still another club’s property.”
“Which is why he wanted me to make her my ol’ lady. Then she becomes my property. It won’t sever ties with Grim, but they will respect my claim on her.”
“You know it’s not that simple, Doc. I mean, I get it. But I’m not going to let her loose in the club.”
I knew this was coming. Thorn would be a piss-poor president if he agreed to this wholeheartedly from the outset. “I don’t have to go anywhere on my own,” I said softly. “I couldn’t leave my dad’s house in Grim Road. Not without him escorting me wherever in the compound I needed to go. He escorted me to and from the gate when I came in from classes. Other than that, I stayed in his home out of the way of the club. I can do that here as well.”
Thorn sighed. “It won’t be that severe, Talia. Doc will show you the family areas. You’re to stay in those sections when you’re not with Doc or one of the ol’ ladies. I think that will be sufficient until we get this worked out.”
“I know this is unusual.” Doc spoke softly to Thorn. “Give me time to work it out.”
Thorn waved him away. “If you believe she’s on the up and up, I’ll talk to Rocket. Feel him out and see if there is a hidden agenda. While I object to him approaching you with this instead of me, Rocket and I go way back. Ain’t had contact with him in twenty years, but I do know him. He’d never do something like this without a good reason.”
“Oh, I’m sure he has a hidden agenda. He’s biding his time. Besides, I believe most of his reasoning for giving Lia to me is genuine. I happen to believe there’s more he’s not saying, and that’s OK. As long as he comes clean with you. As to approaching me instead of you, this wasn’t a whim, but it was spur of the moment. I’m sure he had his intel guy looking into me, but this situation wasn’t something he could have anticipated. He sized me up and judged me and Lia’s interaction with each other before he made the suggestion. I feel safe in saying the man genuinely loves his daughter and wants what’s best for her. He wouldn’t throw her to the wolves even to get an in into another club.”
I honestly didn’t want to hear any of this. It reinforced the idea that I was property, and that any relationship I forged with Doc would be purely transactional. He tried to put a romantic spin on it, but I knew better than to believe that was his only reason. My dad presented this club with an opportunity to see into the workings of a club that might not be an actual rival, but certainly wasn’t an ally. Unless he convinced Thorn they could be. Oh well. Nothing to me. I had more important things to think about. Like how far did I really want to go with this guy? Because I suspected I might let him take me all the way. It wouldn’t last, but I thought it only fair that I get enjoyment out of my prison. That way, maybe it wouldn’t actually feel like a prison.
“He’ll come clean with me.” Thorn snorted a laugh. “Rocket always loved his intrigues, but he never let things be so obscure he couldn’t get what he wanted.” He waved his hand toward the door. “Get on with the both’a you. I’m sure you have things to discuss, and I’d like to have Talia’s answer to give to Rocket when we talk.”
“Roger that, Prez.” Doc stood, snagging my hand as he did. “She’ll give you her answer tomorrow.”
We headed out the door to Thorn’s chuckle. My heart tripped. I was nervous beyond belief. If I agreed to this, what would Doc expect from me? Would he want a real marriage? Did I want a real marriage? That was an easy question. I did want a real marriage, though I wasn’t sure about Doc. At least, not yet. Oh, I had my fantasies, but how would the real Jude “Doc” Collins compare to the man I’d built in my mind? I also recognized I’d never even contemplate something like this if I hadn’t been in an MC long enough to know this kind of thing happened sometimes. While I’d never thought it would happen to me, I should have. This was a way for my father to find me a strong protector. A man he could like and respect. Besides, I had to admit, Doc was a better pick than any of the men my own age I’d hung around in the past. In every single way.