Page 9 of Ours (Strength & Heat Trilogy)
“Jessie is going to flip his shit, and I’m not entirely in the mood to deal with it,” I admitted.
“Too fucking bad,” Lincoln snapped. I sighed, knowing that Jessie finding out was inevitable. I’d just been trying to put it off. “Let’s go. I’m taking you to my place to get you cleaned up.”
God help me when Jessie saw.
Jessie stormed into my living room, his eyes murderous as he scanned the room for West. Once his eyes landed on her, they flashed dangerously. Jessie was volatile when he was angry, and I was quickly beginning to realize that where West was concerned, he was a fucking volcano, always ready to erupt, especially in situations like this.
“What the fuck happened?” he angrily barked. “Where the fuck did you even go?!” he shouted at West. She cast her eyes down to her lap, staying silent. “You were supposed to be fucking asleep! You have a goddamn curfew!”
She leaned her head back tiredly, and Jessie’s jaw ticked when his eyes locked on the bruise on her neck. “I was at the track,” she informed him quietly.
“FUCK!” he shouted. “How stupid can you be?!”
“Stop fucking yelling at her in my goddamn house,” I told him. He turned his dark eyes on me, narrowing them at me in a warning to watch it, but I didn’t care. She was in enough goddamn pain and was obviously going through enough shit without Jessie jumping down her fucking throat.
“Goddammit, Jessie, she’s grown,” I reminded him. “I’m sure she knows what she did was fucking wrong, but I think we need to be more concerned with who the fuck put their hands on her.”
He turned back to look at her. “It was Jay, wasn’t it?” he asked her. She kept her lips firmly closed, but they thinned, giving away her answer. “Don’t give me that fucking silence, West.” His tone was harsh enough that she flinched. I gently squeezed her knee to remind her that she wasn’t alone. “I’m not fucking stupid. He does this shit to you all of the fucking time!” he shouted.
“It was my fault, Jessie,” she grumbled. He tensed. “I shouldn’t have been there in the first place.”
“Doesn’t matter where the fuck you were, West,” I told her, and I knew Jessie at least agreed with me on this. She slowly looked over at me. “This Jay kid had no fucking right to put his goddamn hands on you.”
She laughed humorlessly, shaking her head. “Wait ‘til you hear why he put his hands on me. At least this time, he had a reason,” she said, putting air quotes around the word reason. She turned her eyes to Jessie for a moment, and they seemed to share something between them that I didn’t understand. He released a low rumble from his chest as he clenched his fists at his sides. West slowly turned those beautiful green eyes back in my direction. “Someone ran their mouth to him that I left the garage with you—probably my mother.”
I had to blink for a moment, trying to restrain myself from destroying something.
“Somebody better start filling me in on some shit,” I seethed, looking between her and Jessie. “Because apparently, this isn’t this fucking asshole’s first time putting his hands on you,” I said to West.
“He’s my ex,” she told me. I nodded in understanding. I knew that much from Jessie. “I found him balls deep inside of my mother the night I got arrested and sent to juvie.” Jessie shook his head, his jaw clenched. “He’s always had a mean streak about him—volatile temper,” she added.
What kind of sick ass fucks his girlfriend’s mother?
“You’re not going anywhere else by yourself, you understand me?” Jessie snapped down at her. She sighed softly in defeat. “And you’ll be staying here with Lincoln since you don’t know how to keep your ass home when it’s past your fucking curfew.”
“What?!” we both shouted at him. She was his responsibility—not mine!
Jessie crossed his arms over his chest. “Lincoln, man, just do this for me,” he pleaded, his voice barely controlled. “I’m too close to town for her—too easy for her to escape at nighttime. She’ll be better off here.” West glared up at him, her green eyes darkening with rage. “One, she’s got a long ass walk to get to where she can get in trouble, and two, you wake up to the slightest sound or change in the air due to your military training.”
He looked at West, narrowing his eyes at her. She met his gaze with a defiant tilt of her chin. A smirk tugged at his lips for a split second before he smothered it. “And you’re going to put up with this shit.” His voice was a little calmer this time when he spoke to her again—a bit more controlled. “You want to be fucking ungrateful and sneak out, I won’t put up with it. I’m trying to be a decent human being by giving you a damn good second chance to get your shit figured out and help you get out of this hell hole of a town, and I won’t let you fuck it up for yourself. So, suck it up.”