Page 86 of Ours (Strength & Heat Trilogy)
He brushed his lips to my cheek once they were on. “You are so fucking cute,” he whispered in my ear before he leaned back.
Jessie pulled his shirt over my head. “I won’t need a bra?” I asked him.
Jessie shook his head at me. “Nah. We’re not going anywhere public—just staying here—but I know your bras are beginning to fit a bit too tight for comfort.”
I blushed. The baby was making my body change. “The baby—”
“Easy, baby,” Lincoln crooned. He sat beside me while Jessie pulled my leggings up my legs. “We know.”
Once I was dressed, Jessie dropped my flip-flops at my feet as the men tugged on their own shoes. “I’ll get the truck,” Lincoln told Jessie. “Give me five minutes to get everything together before you bring her out.”
With that, he disappeared from the room. I looked up at Jessie. He drew me into his arms and leaned down to softly kiss me. “You made us the two happiest fucking men in the world tonight by agreeing to marry us, baby girl,” Jessie told me. My throat closed with emotion.
“I just want to be perfect for you two like you are for me,” I told him, my voice hoarse.
He brushed his nose with mine. “This baby,” he told me, cupping my belly, “and being our wife—that’s perfect enough for us, baby girl. We don’t need anything but you, and anything extra you give us just makes you even more perfect in our eyes.”
I gasped, staring at the scene in front of me. Lincoln had set up a huge projector, and Mulan was waiting to be played, the movie being shined onto the side of the guys’ shed. Lincoln had a bunch of snacks spread out on a blanket on the ground, and he was sitting on the blanket with his shoes kicked off.
“I’ve always wanted to see this movie,” I whispered.
Jessie squeezed my hand in his. “I know, which is why I told Lincoln to purchase it so we could watch it.” He looked down at me. “We want to give you everything, baby.”
They gave me everything I could’ve ever hoped for every single day without even realizing it.
Jessie eased me down onto the blanket, and I instantly leaned against Lincoln’s side, leaning my head back so he could place a sweet, gentle kiss on my lips. “God, I love how far you’ve come,” Lincoln whispered as he brushed his fingers over my cheek. A light red color stole over my cheeks. “A few months ago, you could barely stand to touch me without fear of losing Jessie.”
I smiled over at my other man, and he flashed me a sexy grin as he grabbed the remote to play the movie. “I need both of you in different ways,” I told Lincoln as I looked back up at him. I grabbed his hand in mine. “But I love both of you the same. I never thought I could put someone on the level that Jessie is, but that quickly changed. You’re both my rocks. If I lose one of you, it’ll destroy me.”
“Never losing either one of us, baby,” Lincoln soothed. He brushed his lips with mine. “Now, shh. Let’s watch the movie.” He grinned at me. “You’re going to love it. Mulan is one of my favorite Disney movies.”
Jessie situated himself around me so that I was between his legs but still so I could lean against Lincoln, their warmth enveloping me as my gaze focused on the movie.
When I woke up, my head was resting on Jessie’s chest, my leg draped over his thigh. A masculine, warm body was pressed against my back, both of my men keeping me warm. The “press play” screen of Mulan was playing on repeat on the screen, and I could hear crickets chirping and a bullfrog somewhere in the woods.
I slowly raised my head, and both men jerked awake next to me, both of them turning their faces to me. I blushed under their attentiveness. “We fell asleep outside,” I told them, my voice still husky with sleep.
I shivered from the slight chill in the air, and Jessie drew me back into his arms. “I know,” he grunted. “You fell asleep, and when we tried to move you, you didn’t like it, so we curled up around you to keep you warm,” he grumbled, his voice husky with sleep.
“But now that you’re awake…” Lincoln grinned as he rolled me onto my back and settled his body between my legs. I moaned when he pushed his hips against my pelvis, his lips meeting mine in a hot, scorching kiss.
A phone ringing jerked us out of the mood. Lincoln cursed and kneeled between my legs, jerking his phone from his pocket. His eyes widened at the screen before he got up and moved away from me and Jessie, pulling his phone up to his ear.