Page 84 of Ours (Strength & Heat Trilogy)
“Alright,” Dr. Gresham soothed. He gently led me to a bench. I dropped down onto it, feeling tired. “Just take some deep breaths and calm your mind. Let’s talk about Lincoln and Jessie, yeah? What were their responses to you telling them about her hitting you?”
A trembling smile crossed my lips as I thought of my two men, how they had comforted me, of the beautiful words they spoke to me as they soothed my fears and my worries.
“Jessie told me she could never ruin me, that I could never be like her because I’m so much better,” I told Dr. Gresham. I swiped at my cheeks as more tears fell from my eyes, but this time, the tears were because I was happy, my heart practically bursting with love for Jessie and Lincoln. “And Lincoln told me that I have a heart of gold and a soul that shines brightly.” I hiccuped. “They made me feel powerful and strong.”
“Because you are,” Dr. Gresham told me. “Your men see who you really are, who you’ve always been, even when you were determined to bring the world down with you, setting it on fire as you went.”
“She could never ruin me,” I whispered, repeating their words.
Dr. Gresham smiled. “You’re right. She never could. She could never destroy something so strong, West, no matter how hard she tried to, no matter how determined she was to do it.”
I slowly lifted my head from Lincoln’s shoulder as Jessie walked in the front door, a tired frown on his handsome features as he quietly closed the front door. He leaned over the back of the couch and pressed a soft, quick kiss to my lips before he silently moved up the stairs.
I stared after him with worried eyes. Jessie never just came in and basically walked right upstairs. “Lincoln, something is wrong,” I frowned.
My little girl nudged my belly, and I rested my hand there. Lincoln stood up from the couch. “Come on,” he told me quietly as he held his hand out to me. “Let’s go see what’s up with your other man.”
I placed my hand in his and allowed him to gently pull me off the couch. Once I stepped into the bedroom, my eyes widened in surprise.
Rose petals were scattered all over the floor and the bed. Candles were lit all around the room, and a hot bath was being run in the tub.
And Jessie was on his knee in front of me with an open ring box resting in his hand, a beautiful diamond ring glistening, the light from the candles reflecting off of it.
I choked out a sob, my hands fluttering up to my lips. Lincoln moved around me and kneeled down beside Jessie, pulling out his own ring box. It was also a diamond ring, but instead of a large diamond, it had smaller diamonds encrusted in the band.
Tears slid down my cheeks, a sob ripping from my chest.
This was almost too much. They were sometimes too much. But I loved them for it.
“Marry us, West,” Jessie rasped.
“How?” I asked them, so unbelievably happy that they loved me so much that they wanted to marry me, but so confused about how it would work. “How am I supposed to marry both of you?” I asked.
“We spoke to Julian and Axel,” Lincoln told me, drawing my eyes to his beautiful, blue ones. “They told us how they combined their last names, and Meghan married Julian, but ended up taking both of their last names.” Lincoln drew in a deep breath. “So, Jessie and I combined our last names.”
I couldn’t believe they’d do this.
“Marry us, baby,” Jessie repeated, drawing my eyes to his dark ones.
I sobbed. “But it would be unfair.”
“No,” Lincoln soothed, ever the voice of reason for me. “You’ll marry Jessie, yes, but you’ll take both of our last names. Our little girl will have both of our last names. Just say yes, baby, please,” he begged me. “We want to spend the rest of our lives with you, baby.”
I dropped to my knees in front of them, nodding my head as I cried harder. “Yes,” I choked out. “I’ll marry you—both of you.”
They both slid their rings on my finger before Lincoln cupped my face in his hands and kissed me before he passed me over to Jessie. Jessie growled softly, his hands sliding under my shirt to pull it over my head. My breathing picked up speed as I quickly got lost in his touch, barely registering the fact that Lincoln was walking into the bathroom.
“Tonight, we’re taking care of you,” Jessie told me as he softly kissed me.
“You always do,” I softly reminded him, a soft moan falling from my lips as he tugged my leggings and panties down my legs, leaving me completely naked in front of him.