Page 67 of Ours (Strength & Heat Trilogy)
I looked down at her in confusion. “Blueberry muffins?” I asked her, not understanding.
She shrugged. “The baby has been craving them for weeks.” She rolled her eyes. “Meghan swears I’m having a little girl.”
I grinned down at her. “A girl would be amazing,” I told her honestly. “A little mini you?” I could picture it now; she would be fucking beautiful and a damn spitfire. “God, I want it badly now.” I laughed softly.
West smiled up at me as we entered the cafeteria. She led me to a table in the back corner. Meghan was already seated, and Julian was sitting with her as well. Julian grinned up at me as I pulled out a chair for West so she could sit. “Good to see you out, man.”
“Fucking good to be out,” I told him honestly. “Thanks for everything you did to help.”
He just waved me off. An older lady came over and set a bowl of hot soup in front of West. She smiled up at the woman. “Thanks, Ms. Evelyn. It smells amazing.”
“Enjoy, hun.”
West looked over at me. “Are you hungry?” she asked me.
I shook my head at her. “I had a burger and fries on my way over here. Go ahead and eat, baby.” I narrowed my eyes at her. “And take your time. This isn’t the last time I’m visiting.”
She rolled her eyes but began to blow on a spoonful of her soup. Meghan smiled over at me. “I’m glad you came to see her. She needed you.”
I brushed my hand over West’s back, soothing her when her body slightly tensed. “I did some stupid shit, but I don’t intend on repeating that ever again,” I told Meghan, though my words were aimed at West. She relaxed completely, focusing back on eating her food. “I’m just protective as fuck when it comes to her.”
“As you should be,” Julian said with a shrug. “If we don’t protect ‘em, who the fuck will?” he retorted.
Meghan narrowed her eyes at him, but he only grinned at her before he lightly pecked her lips and shoved a fry into her mouth. She giggled and slapped his hand away. West suddenly pushed her bowl away.
“What is it, baby?” I asked her, concern washing through me.
She jumped up from her chair and rushed out of the cafeteria. Meghan instantly jumped up and went after her. “Easy, man,” Julian told me when I got ready to lurch out of my chair. “Soup just isn’t agreeing with the baby. Meghan has got her. Can’t exactly barge into the women’s restroom here. It’ll get you kicked out.”
I clenched my jaw, not liking this shit one bit. “Is it normal for her to be so sick?”
Julian nodded at me. “Meghan was so sick with every pregnancy that she actually lost weight during the first and half of her second trimester each time. As long as the baby is developing normally and measuring on track, there’s nothing the OB can really do except prescribe her some nausea medication in hopes that it’ll help.” He shrugged. “We did Preggi pops Meghan’s second pregnancy. Medication never worked when we tried it while she was pregnant with Lana, so we went back to Preggi pops.”
“I’ll see if Dr. Gresham will allow her to have them,” I commented. “If he does, I’ll make sure I get her a pretty good supply.”
Meghan came back out into the cafeteria without West. I jumped up from my chair, meeting her halfway across the room. “Where is she?” I asked her.
“She went to go lay down,” she assured me. “She asked me to bring you to her. Come on.”
I followed her out of the cafeteria and back the way West and I had come. Once we got to the room West had been in, I quickly walked in. West was lying on the couch in the fetal position. Her face was pale, and she had her eyes closed, doing her best to try to calm the nausea.
“I’m here, baby,” I soothed as I gently picked her up. I sat down on the couch and cradled her on my lap. “Rest,” I told her when she protested.
“Sorry I’m ruining the visit,” she weakly apologized as she leaned her head on my shoulder.
“You’re not ruining it, baby,” I assured her. “Now rest and let me take care of you while I can,” I ordered.
It wasn’t long after that her light snores could be heard. I pressed a kiss to the top of her head and relaxed further on the couch, preparing myself to hold her for the next couple of hours.
Dr. Gresham took a seat in front of me. With a sigh, I set my book down. I knew he had put this off as long as possible for me, at least long enough for me to see Lincoln, but now I had to begin therapy.