Page 64 of Ours (Strength & Heat Trilogy)
Jessie cupped the side of my neck and brushed his lips with mine. “Easy, baby,” he soothed. “He’s okay. Lincoln is pissed as fuck right now, but he’s okay.”
A light knock came on the door before Meghan popped her head in. She gave me a warm smile and stepped in completely. “Sorry to interrupt. Mrs. Evelyn is going home early since her granddaughter is sick, and she has to go get her from school, but she told me to give you this.”
She pulled a brown bag from behind her back. I grinned and reached forward, grabbing the bag from her. I released a contented sigh when I opened it and the smell of blueberry muffins wafted up to me.
“Blueberry muffins have become her favorite thing to eat,” Meghan informed Jessie as I closed the bag back up so I could save them for later. “Based on what she’s craving, I’m pretty sure West is going to have a girl.”
Jessie smiled at me. “A little girl would be perfect,” he whispered, making me blush. He looked back at Meghan before his eyes widened slightly. “Wait a fucking minute.” He looked back at me, his brows pulling low over his eyes. “You two look a hell of a lot alike.”
I frowned at him. He was the second person to comment on that.
Meghan rolled her eyes. “Now you sound like Julian,” she grumbled.
“The resemblance is kind of uncanny,” Jessie admitted.
Meghan waved him off. “I’m sure it’s just a freak of nature.” She smiled at me. “Dr. Gresham is letting him stay an hour longer, so enjoy,” she told me before she left the room, leaving us to ourselves again.
I snuggled closer to Jessie. He tightened his arm around me, his other hand not leaving my belly. “Need a nap?” he softly asked me.
I nodded but then shook my head, not wanting to sleep while he was here with me. I didn’t want to waste a second of the time we had together.
Somehow, he understood, though.
“Baby girl, get some rest,” he soothed. “I am right here.” He brushed his lips to my forehead. “I can assure you this won’t be the last time we see each other while you’re in here. Go ahead and sleep; it’s okay.”
I pouted. He smiled at me. “So fucking adorable. But sleep, baby. It’s alright. I promise that holding you is enough for me.”
I sighed but nodded my head, my need for a nap winning out. I got more comfortable on his lap and closed my eyes. Resting my head on his shoulder, I allowed myself to fall into the best sleep I’d had since I’d been in the center.
I leaned against my car outside of the jail, waiting on Lincoln to come out. He was getting released today. After getting another judge to look over the case, the judge of our county had no choice but to release Lincoln if the cops didn’t want to be charged too for harassment.
So, he was getting released today, though he was still being charged with assaulting an officer. He got hit with forty hours of community service, but otherwise, he got off scot-free, besides it being added to his permanent record.
“Fucking shit, I hate that place,” Lincoln said as he stepped outside and made his way to where I was waiting.
I slapped my hand with his and clapped him on the back. “Good to have you out, bro,” I told him honestly. “You can help me finish packing and moving shit.”
He grunted. He’d been inside for a little over a month before the attorney Julian hired was finally able to get that other judge to take a look at everything. I’d visited him every week without fail, but that hadn’t made his little stint inside any easier.
I couldn’t wait to get the fuck out of his hell hole, and I knew he felt the same way.
“How’s West?” he asked me.
I grinned and opened my car door to slide into the driver’s seat. Lincoln slid into the passenger seat. “She’s doing fucking amazing,” I told him honestly. “She’s talking again. Her handwriting is still pretty shitty—it turns into a scribble about halfway through—but her speech is basically back on point. She’s starting therapy sessions again tomorrow. I’ve gotten to see her once a week since you got arrested.”
“That’s fucking amazing,” Lincoln said, a smile tilting his lips. “I always knew she was strong as fuck. She just needed to give herself a chance.”
I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel, trying to decide how to give Lincoln this next bit of news. I wasn’t sure how he would take it or what it might mean for his and West’s future. But he did deserve to know, and she’d asked me to break the news to him. Every time she thought about doing it, her speech regressed.