Page 37 of Ours (Strength & Heat Trilogy)
“Jessie, stop,” I begged him. I couldn’t handle it if he went to jail for mouthing off. I knew how big of assholes the cops of this town could be.
“I need to at least bring her in for questioning, Jessie. I’ll look over your security footage in a bit,” Lucky told him.
“You’ll look over it now, or I’ll contact an attorney,” Lincoln spoke up as he ran the tips of his fingers over my spine to help keep me calm. “But until you view that footage, Lucky, we won’t let you walk out of here with her.”
“You barely know anything about West, Lincoln,” Lucky told him. “She caused hell in this town before, and I know she’ll do it again. She’s nothing but trouble.”
“I know she was sleeping between me and Jessie last night,” Lincoln retorted, his body tensing behind me. I couldn’t stop the blush that tinted my cheeks. Jessie released a soft laugh. “For all of the fluid to still be so wet on the ground, it had to have happened last night or early this morning before we opened. She hasn’t left either of our sights since she got back to town yesterday. So, like we said, watch the security footage, or I’ll contact a lawyer,” Lincoln told him, refusing to back down.
There was a few tense moments of silence in the garage before Officer Lucky finally spoke again. “Fine. Show me your security footage.”
Lincoln moved toward Jessie. “Jessie, I’ll take him to the security room. You need to be with her.”
“I’ll be fine,” I assured both of them.
Jessie grunted and gently tugged me toward him. Lincoln nodded once before he moved to the security room, Officer Lucky following behind him after he ordered the newer cop to stay with me and Jessie to make sure I didn’t run away.
Jessie turned me to face him and wrapped one of his arms around my waist, his other hand reaching up to gently tilt my head back. “I don’t give a fuck what happens, you are not going back to jail or another holding cell, you got me?”
I ran the tips of my fingers over his jaw, my eyes softening, so much love for the man in front of me swirling in my chest. “I can’t let yours and Lincoln’s reputations get fucked up because of me,” I quietly told him. “No matter what happens in this town, as long as I’m here, I will always be the number one suspect.”
Jessie clenched his jaw. “One day, baby, I’m going to get you out of here. Take you wherever the fuck you want to go and settle down there.”
“Even if I wanted to live off the grid?” I asked him, a teasing note in my voice.
He smiled down at me. “Wherever, baby. As long as it makes you happy, I’m happy.”
“The garage is your life,” I softly reminded him.
He shook his head. “You are my life, West.” Tears welled in my eyes at his softly spoken words. He cupped my face in his hands, and I closed my eyes, relishing in his touch. Jessie pressed gentle kisses to my eyelids. “I will follow you wherever, baby girl, and something tells me that Lincoln will, too. You’ll never have to worry about losing either of us, baby.”
I swallowed thickly, hating how vulnerable I felt, but I knew that no matter what, I could trust Jessie. “Promise?” I asked quietly, my voice barely carrying over to him.
“Open your eyes, baby,” he quietly requested. I slowly opened them, locking them on his dark ones. “I promise,” he said softly. My heart clenched in my chest. “And I know Lincoln well enough to know that he would never do anything to hurt you, to tear you apart, or to shatter your heart.” He rubbed his thumbs over my cheeks. “And I promise you that one day, Lincoln and I will take you out of his town to wherever you want to go, and we’ll settle down there.”
“I love you,” I told him, not meaning to say the words out loud, but now that I’d said them, I knew I never wanted to take them back. They were the truth.
Jessie leaned down and softly kissed me, his lips working sensually with mine. I moaned and leaned up to wrap my arms around his neck. The security room door suddenly opened, and Jessie pulled back from me. He pecked my lips. “I love you, baby girl.” He pecked my lips again. “We’ll finish that later. Maybe with Lincoln joining us.” He winked.
My stomach fluttered. Being with each man individually was a fucking ride in itself.
Being with both men at the same time?
I turned around to face Lincoln and Officer Lucky. Jessie wrapped his arms around my waist and tugged me back against his solid, muscular frame. “She’s clear,” Officer Lucky stated, but he didn’t look pleased about that at all. In fact, he looked pissed off. “It was a male—unidentifiable—but a male, nonetheless.”