Page 13 of Ours (Strength & Heat Trilogy)
“Fuck off, Luke.”
He yanked me toward him before I could escape his grip and sneered down at me. I glared up at him, not letting him see the fear pulsing through my veins, which was leaving a sour taste in my mouth. “I’m sure you received Jay’s message, right?” he quietly asked me.
“Luke . . .” I whispered, swallowing down the vomit building in my throat as my face paled. I knew he was here because of Jay, but hearing it confirmed?
I wanted to throw up.
He pulled his cigarette from between his lips and slammed me back against the school wall. He shoved his hand roughly against my lips, sending my head slamming back into the brick behind me. I blinked away the pain, only to scream against his hand a moment later when he put out his lit cigarette against my skin. Tears sprang to my eyes and trickled down my cheeks.
He stepped back from me, a sadistic smirk twisting his lips. “Your turn,” he said, turning toward two other girls who had just rounded the corner.
I lifted my injured arm on instinct to block her fist, but the other girl landed a solid punch to my abdomen, making me double over and retch. A fist connected with my cheek, sending me sprawling to the ground.
I gritted my teeth against the pain and took the hits, knowing that if I fought back, they could very easily send me right to jail. They wouldn’t care that it was only in self-defense.
No fighting meant absolutely no fighting for any reason.
Once they had finished beating the fucking shit out of me, the three of them sauntered back into the school building, but not before Luke warned me that the next time I didn’t heed one of his brother’s warnings, I may not be able to walk away.
Only eleven months and three weeks left, West, I reminded myself as I pushed myself up from the ground. I can do this.
Jessie was out of his car, blocking all traffic in the pick-up line as soon as his eyes landed on me. I was limping, my arm wrapped around my torso, my face screwed up in pain. It hurt to breathe; it hurt to walk. Fuck, it hurt to just exist at that moment.
“What the fuck?!” he roared as he rushed over to me.
I shook my head at him, cringing when everyone’s eyes turned toward us at his loud outburst. “Quit fucking staring!” Jessie roared at everyone surrounding us.
Everyone quickly looked away from us, making my shoulders sag in relief. I could always count on Jessie in my time of desperate need—like now. No one had given a fuck about my injuries—not a single teacher, not a single peer. Even the nurse had turned me away.
I really was hated here.
Jessie wrapped an arm around my shoulders, making me hiss out a breath in pain as he accidentally pressed into a couple of tender spots. “Come on,” he grumbled. “We need to get you taken care of.”
I leaned against him, letting him support most of my weight. “Take me home,” I mumbled.
Jessie pressed a kiss to the top of my head. “We’re going,” he promised, his low, gravelly voice soothing. “Be strong a little bit longer, West. I’ve got you.”
Those three words were all I needed to push me a little bit further.
When he pulled into Lincoln’s driveway, Lincoln’s truck was already there. I sighed tiredly, not really wanting to deal with the questions that I knew were about to come. I was exhausted, and I was in a shit ton of pain after forcing myself to make it through the school day.
“Did the teachers not even bother to ask if you were okay?” Jessie demanded as he came around to help me up the porch.
I shook my head. “In fact, one of them told me I probably fucking deserved it,” I told him bitterly.
A low rumble of anger sounded from Jessie’s chest before he just swept me up in his arms and carried me the rest of the way. I rested my head on his shoulder, relishing in his warmth and safety.
The front door swung open, revealing Lincoln in a clean pair of jeans that rode low on his hips, revealing his tattooed upper body. Water still glistened slightly on his chest from his shower. “Fucking hell,” he snarled, moving toward us. “Who the fuck did this to you?” he demanded as he ran his eyes over my beaten body.
Jessie tightened his arms around me, and I whimpered when his hands pressed into my ribs. He pressed his lips to my forehead as he moved into the house, heading for the living room. “Sorry,” he whispered as he loosened his grip.
I resisted the urge to beg Jessie not to let me go as he gently laid me on my bed, the muscle in his jaw ticking as I hissed out a breath of pain. “Jessie, get me some ice and some pain relievers,” Lincoln demanded, not removing his eyes from me as he stepped into the room.