Page 11 of Ours (Strength & Heat Trilogy)
“I’m sorry,” I finally mumbled, hating the awkward silence between us. It was never supposed to be like this between me and Jessie. I just wanted us back to normal. I needed him to be my rock again.
I slowly moved my eyes down to my hands. “I had a lot on my mind last night, and I knew being surrounded by the noise of the track would distract me. I shouldn’t have been out there last night, and I’m really sorry,” I told him quietly.
Apologies didn’t come easily for me, and Jessie knew that.
Jessie sighed. “And I’m sorry for being such an asshole to you about it, West,” he rumbled. I kept my eyes on my hands as I twisted them in my lap. “I’m the only person you’ve really got, and I want so much more for you than what you have at the moment. I just want you to follow all the rules, stay away from Jay and your mother, and get the fuck out of his place—go do bigger and better things and never have to worry about the shit you got caught up in here.”
I looked over at him. “I know I never said thank you before, Jessie, but thank you.” He gave me a small smile that stole the breath from my lungs. Why did he have to be so fucking perfect? “You gave me a job when I didn’t have money or food, tried your best to keep me busy. And you let me crash at your place so many times when I needed away from everyone. You were the only person who came to visit me in juvie, the only person that cared enough to stick around. I’ve never had anyone I could rely on before you, Jessie. So, thank you.”
He dipped his head so our eyes were level, his dark irises clashing with mine. Tears swam in my eyes, but I never let them fall. But Jessie knew that me letting him see this side of me was something to treasure. He reached up and cupped my face in his hands. My bottom lip trembled. “I don’t give a fuck how old you get, West; I’ll always have your back, you got that? I’m the one person in this world that you’ll always be able to rely on,” he assured me.
I wrapped my hands around his wrists, nodding my head as I swallowed past the lump in my throat. “Thank you,” I hoarsely whispered.
He gave me another small, breathtaking smile. “Chin up, girly,” he said softly. “Dry those eyes. I hear Lincoln.”
He leaned back from me as I looked back out at the water, blinking the tears back from my eyes. Jessie knew me well enough to know that I would never allow myself to cry in front of anyone but him.
“Hey, bro, you want to chill here for a while?” Lincoln asked as he stepped out onto the porch. “The pot roast is finished, and I just got the new game we’ve been wanting to play. Shit finally finished downloading.”
“Hell yeah,” Jessie said, moving to his feet. I stood up as well. “Let’s go kick some ass,” he told Lincoln.
My phone vibrated in my pocket when I stepped into the living room, and my eyebrows pulled together in confusion as I pulled it out and unlocked the screen.
Tsk. Tsk. You just can’t fucking stay away from him.
All of the blood drained from my face. Before either of the guys suspected anything, I went down the hall to my room, closing and locking the door behind me. I thrust my hands through my hair, tugging lightly on the strands as I did so.
You’re not in his control anymore, West.
You’re stronger than this.
Thankful that Lincoln had gotten all of my things earlier today, I connected my phone to my speaker, blaring my Eminem playlist, hoping I could drain out my thoughts and my fears. I was free of Jay. He couldn’t hurt me anymore, couldn’t torment me anymore.
I was no longer under his thumb, being forced to bend to his will.
Fifteen minutes later, I still couldn’t stop thinking. Eminem wasn’t working.
But I knew why.
It was because I knew what kind of destruction Jay could do if I didn’t start heeding his warnings.
I put the game on pause, blaring music instantly reaching my ears from West’s room.
I looked over at Jessie, but he just shook his head, sadness for West flashing in his eyes. “Something is bothering her,” Jessie grumbled. “But she won’t open up to me about it until she’s ready. She likes to keep her shit bottled up. Anytime I try to force it out of her, she and I clash heads like a mother fucker.” Jessie sighed as he pushed his hand through his hair. “I wish she’d fucking come to me about shit. I can try to help her, but I can’t do that if I don’t know what the damn issue is.”