Page 106 of Ours (Strength & Heat Trilogy)
Jessie finally hit that perfect spot inside of her because she quickly released me from her lips, her eyes basically rolling back in her head as she cried out his name, her nails digging so hard into his knees that she drew blood. He hissed out a breath before he came hard with her, his grip so tight on her hips that I knew he would leave bruises.
She was breathing heavily as he slowly rode her down, her body trembling, her arms shaking with the effort it took to keep her from collapsing. I gently sat her up and let her use my body to support herself. Once her body was calm again, I eased her off Jessie’s cock.
He smirked at me right before I spun her to face the bed. Jessie placed her hands flat on the bed on either side of his hips, and I slid into her from behind.
“Oh, fuuuuck,” she moaned.
She and I had always had the hardest, best sex when I took her from behind like this. From this angle, I always hit that spot inside of her perfectly, making her come around me over and over.
“So fucking sexy,” Jessie growled as he watched her.
It was a long, long night, the two of us taking turns with our woman as we each took turns going to take care of Hope.
When the sunlight finally began to stream through the curtains, only then did we allow West to finally collapse into bed, soft snores quickly escaping her lips.
Hope was whining as she did tummy time, her little face angrily scrunched up as she tried to roll over onto her back but still only able to get as far as her side before she rolled back over onto her stomach.
“Here, baby girl,” I greeted her as I adjusted her arm when she pushed onto her side again. Her motor skills were fucking amazing at only two and a half months old, and I knew she would spend the rest of her life surprising me with what she was capable of doing.
Just like her beautiful mother.
“Still nothing?” Jessie asked as he sat on the floor on the other side of her.
I shook my head. “She keeps getting onto her side, but she can’t roll fully.”
Jessie ran his hand over Hope’s hair. “She’ll get there,” he said as he smiled down at her. “Isn’t that right, Hope? Just like your mother, you’ll accomplish anything you set that beautiful mind to.”
“Talking about me?” West asked, her voice husky with sleep. She was only in a t-shirt, those thick thighs on display.
“Only about how much Hope is going to be like you when she gets older,” Jessie told her.
West frowned at him. “That wouldn’t be a good thing.”
“He’s referring to your strength, about how smart you are, and how determined you are when you put your mind to something,” I clarified. I hated that she always thought to the negative parts of herself, but with time, her view of herself would change.
She eased down onto the floor and stretched out beside Hope in front of Jessie. Jessie slid his hand over her bare thigh. Hope flung her arm backward, falling onto her back as she looked for her mom. West squealed and grabbed Hope in her arms, a beautiful, beaming smile on her face as she hugged Hope to her chest.
Jessie wrapped her up in his arms. West beamed at me over Hope’s head. “She rolled over, Lincoln.”
I grinned at her, loving how excited she was. The medication was really beginning to show its positive effects on her, and I was so fucking happy that she was coming back out of her shell and able to freely express how much she loved and adored Hope.
West stood up with Hope in her arms and carried her up the stairs, probably to go change her diaper. Jessie relaxed back against the couch. “Fucking feels amazing to watch her with Hope.”
I nodded in agreement. It really fucking did. Honestly, the sertraline helped better than the medications Dr. Gresham had her on in the past.
Jessie yawned. “I’m getting fucking old,” he groaned. “I need a nap.”
“Go on,” I told him. “I’ve got West and Hope.”
“You sure?” he asked me as he stood up from the floor with a grunt.
“Yeah. All these years later, and I’m still used to staying up for two to three days at a time,” I reminded him. “I can handle this—promise.”
He nodded. “Come get me if you need me.”
I snorted. “I can handle our woman, Jessie,” I retorted.
He grinned. “I don’t know, bro. She’s coming out of her shell. That fiery personality is going to come back soon.”
I grinned in return. “I’m looking forward to it. That feistiness of hers was always a fucking turn-on.”
Jessie barked out a laugh, but I knew he agreed with me. There was something about seeing West all worked up and angry that fucking sent all the blood rushing to my cock.