Page 48 of Breaking Bailey
“You can call us the Grim Reapers because we’re the last thing you’ll see before you die.”
He meant every word. It was nearly impossible to hide my fear. Unless I could miraculously undo these bindings, I was helpless.
Sterling and I had bonded, so I tried to feel for him through that connection. I didn’t know if my panic was dampening my ability to sense him, but right now it seemed I was completely and utterly alone.
Stay calm, Bailey, and keep him talking. The more time you take, the more likely the guys will find you.
My internal pep talk had my resolve hardening, but it was nearly impossible to keep up the facade. I had to channel my inner Hayes so I could keep my head and survive this.
The moment he let his hand fall away from my throat, I found my voice.
“Can we move this along? What exactly are you wanting to know?” The indifference in my voice was a stark contrast to the panic welling up within me.
Fuck the Syndicate for putting me in the middle of this.
“Where did the senator go for the last few weeks?” Danny demanded. He had his hands on the chair, so his face was hovering over mine. I didn’t dare ask him to back up and give me room.
“For the last few weeks, I was in North Harbor, then hiding away with my mates while I was in heat. I could tell you the places he had on his schedule, but not any last-minute stops or anywhere he went while he was there. I don’t have a way of tracking that.”
“What did he say to you when he returned? Did he give away any plans or conversations he had?”
“How do you know he said anything to me?” I asked in return.
“We know more than you realize, so lying to me is just going to mean more pain for you.” He slammed into me again, his fist connecting to my right knee. Pain blossomed through my leg, and I had to grit my teeth to keep from crying out. I wasn’t giving him the satisfaction of a full scream.
“When my mates find you, they’re going to skin you alive,” I seethed, hating that he was getting the best of me.
He looked surprised instead of angry. “You have mates? I was told you were a single omega… that I could have you when I was done.” He looked downright put out for a second, pushing away from me and pacing the room. Eventually he laughed and shrugged. “I guess that doesn’t change anything. I’ll still have you when I’m done.”
Bile rose in my throat thanks to his words and the promise in his voice. This man was a douchebag who thrived on pain and taking power from people. I’d rather die than give him the chance.
“I will bite your dick off if you put it anywhere near me.” The sound of something slamming on the door had him glancing behind him before he turned back to me.
He was fuming, but he locked that emotion away as he flexed his neck and refocused on me.
“Tell me what he talked to you about when he returned,” he said again.
“I guess your boss doesn’t like you taunting the merchandise, does he?” I challenged. It was me fishing to see who he worked for.
“What. Did. He. Talk. About.” Something was holding him back, and that gave me a bit of hope.
Hope could be dangerous, but right now it was all I had.
“He talked about his plans for the Alpha and Omega Services. He has some more backers now. So far, I only know what he plans to publicly share. Are you telling me that you’re here to protect omegas rights?” I asked dryly, licking over my bloodied lip for emphasis.
“We aren’t interested in whatever laws he thinks he’s going to pass. He’ll never make it that far,” Danny said, waving that off. “What we are concerned with is finding his passwords and the information he keeps under wraps. The senator has a few things that are important to us, and we’d like access. You are going to give us that access.”
“You aren’t getting shit from me. He uses me like a trophy, someone to show off for campaign traction. We don’t share secrets. Anyway, his computer is clean. I've already checked it.”
Danny slammed his fist into the wall instead of me, with plaster and blood coloring his knuckles when he pulled away.
“Stop playing dumb. That act doesn’t work on me!” he seethed, breathing heavily as he stalked closer. His hand gripped my throat again, squeezing, while he pressed his fist into my thigh, digging into the muscle to add another bruise to my collection. Thank fuck this guy didn’t have torture equipment in here, or I’d be a bloody pulp by now.
“Yet he would take you to his house without question. We’ve been watching, Bailey. He’s taken an interest, and soon you’ll be the next omega he fucks in his wife’s bed. Burke is foaming at the mouth for that cunt of yours, and you’re going to use it to get us answers.”
Like fuck I was. I’d lost all fear, letting my anger build until it was like a barrier around me.
“I’m not sure if you hit your head or something, but there’s no way in hell I would do that. Especially for someone who just beat the shit out of me while I was tied to a chair. Does doing that make you feel like some big strong alpha? Do you get hot when you make omegas bleed? Not exactly a great business relationship if you ask me.”