Page 36 of Breaking Bailey
“Where the fuck is my stuff?”
Frustration had me balling my hands into fists. I’d been gone for less than a week, yet they’d pretty much erased me. My phone started ringing before I could say a word, and I pulled it out to find the senator calling. Biting back my annoyance, I put on my usual work voice and answered.
“Hello, senator.”
“Bailey!” he practically yelled. “I heard you made it into the office today. I didn’t want to disturb you at home, so I told them to let me know themomentyou stepped in the door. With all of the commotion, I was afraid you would have a hard time working in the main area, so I had them rearrange a bit. Your stuff is in my office. Veronica has a key for you.”
“That’s so thoughtful,” I said with fake happiness. Making him feel like I was nothing without him was paying off. “I hear you’re going to be gone for a week?” I added a little waver to my voice like I was upset about the wait to be with him again.
He hummed in affirmation. “Don’t worry, the security guys will stay with you, though I’m not very happy with them.” His voice grew hard for a second before he cleared his throat and continued. “There was a huge campaign meeting for Carlisle across the state. I’d have brought you if I had more notice.” He whispered the last part, a slight purr lacing each word. My stomach rolled, but I ignored it.
I laughed quietly. “Well, I’ll try to hold down the fort here,” I promised. “I’ve got a lot to catch up on, and I’ll make a note for future events. We’re getting close!”
“That we are!” He let out a booming laugh. “Numbers are looking good. Look, I have to run, but you call if you need me, Bailey. It’s never a bother.”
He hung up without another word, and I turned to the guys. They were all watching me with stunned amusement.
“Does anybody know who Veronica is?” I said it loudly enough that anyone could overhear.
A scoff answered me. “How do you not know my name yet?” It was the second time today one of the staff members had talked to me with more hate in their voice than necessary. I barely knew these people, and I certainly didn’t want the senator’s attention. They could fucking have it.
Turning, I put on my best smile. “Well, I don’t believe you’ve introduced yourself to me. The senator said you have my key?”
“Since you couldn’t be bothered to come into work, he gave it to me for safekeeping,” she said as if this was some huge win on her part. The way she smirked and touched her chest was pure mean girl energy.
“Oh, next time I get attacked, bruised, and beaten, I’ll make sure to check in with you, Veronica.” My voice was deathly calm, and she swallowed hard when I felt the alphas and betas behind me flank my sides in a show of solidarity. We tried to keep us being a pack under wraps, but in moments like this I feared it was obvious.
Veronica didn’t give me any more snide comments. She slid her hand into her pocket and pulled out the key, handing it out for me to take without meeting my gaze.
“Why don’t you go back to work?” Cyrus said. His voice was so low and cold I was happy he was on my side. She turned and rushed away, which only cemented the knowledge that I’d be the office gossip for the week. Good thing I didn’t give a single fuck what any of these assholes thought of me.
The guys followed me to his office, waiting as I unlocked it. A quick glance behind us told me we’d cleared the room. Good.
The senator had positioned my desk so that it faced his. I’d never been so glad that he was gone. Sitting across him the entire day, trying to avoid his creepy glances, would have been a chore.
“I bet his wife would love this setup,” Sterling noted as he closed the door behind us. The guys all pulled around extra chairs as I took my own.
Thankfully, my desk drawers were still locked with everything else in place. I slid the new key on my ring with the rest then unlocked my drawers and dug into my paperwork.
The senator had given me the perfect opportunity to snoop in his office. The windows were tinted, so we were hidden from the rest of the office, and once everyone had headed out for the day, I planned to dig around. My mates had questionable morals, but they hated the senator as much as I did, so it wasn’t like they’d care what I did.
Maintaining my role here was still important to my mission, so I took my time and did my usual tasks until then, filling out the calendar that I had missed, checking off what we’d handled, and making sure I was up to date on any paperwork that he’d sent my way.
It was hours before I completed my lengthy to-do list, and I’d barely noticed the guys moving around and talking amongst themselves throughout the day.
I’d just filed the last report when something was slammed onto my desk. I looked up into Sterling’s glaring face and braced myself for another fight.
“You say you can take care of yourself, but we’ve been here for five hours, and you haven’t eaten or drank a single fucking thing since you tuned us out. We could have been discussing anything, and you wouldn’t have heard a single thing.”
“Congratulations on noticing,” I said as I pushed aside the takeout box so I could put my paperwork where it belonged. He followed me as I carried the stack of folders through the building and into the file room. I didn’t even have to look at his face to know that he was fuming. I had all but dismissed him, and his fragile alpha ego couldn’t handle it.
I jumped when the door slammed behind us, turning around to find Sterling stalking toward me. His fiery eyes zeroed in on me, then he ripped the files from my hand, slamming them on top of the cabinet before stepping into my personal space. We were standing so close together that I was forced to look up at him, which I totally hated.
“I know that I say the wrong things, and I’m sorry that I triggered you. I’m also sorry that I’m an asshole, but that doesn’t mean you get to protest by not eating or taking care of yourself. Basic needs being met is not negotiable. You’re going to march your ass back in there and eat before you touch another thing. I don’t give two fucks if we have to stay late because you want to work. Youwill notstarve yourself.”
I was too stunned to speak. I’d expected a fight about me defying him, but he was mad that I wasn’t taking care of myself? That was definitely a new one. When was the last time that had happened? I honestly couldn’t remember.
“Why do you look so confused?” he asked, stepping back and throwing his hands up.