Page 22 of Breaking Bailey
“I’m going to try to take a nap,” I told them. Despite drinking half a mug of coffee, I was feeling the effects of my sleepless night, and I had to be my best at the event.
“We’ll be here,” Hayes reassured me. “You’re safe.”
One of the worst parts of going through trauma and having flashbacks was that you didn’t want to feel like a victim, but his reassurance was genuine, and coming from them… it helped settle my nerves. They had kept me safe last night.
It was a heady feeling, knowing that I might not be able to trust them with my mission but I could trust them with my well-being. It was all too much to really handle right now.
I didn’t bother to lock my door, knowing they’d knock it down if I did. Instead, I slipped out of the robe I’d been wearing and tossed the sweater aside so I was left in a pair of sleep shorts and a tank top. Lingering paranoia had me checking my window locks before finally kicking on my fan and snuggling under the covers.
The next thing I knew, I was being woken up by someone gently shaking me. My alarm blared next to my head. It was loud enough that I had no real excuse for not hearing it other than pure exhaustion.
Or maybe they made you feel safe enough to restfully sleep.
That thought got shoved away as quickly as it came, and I sat up, blinking up at Weston.
He took my phone and turned off the alarm. “Apparently, it’s time to get up,” he said.
“It has been for the last five minutes,” Sterling called from the other room.
“Fuck you,” I called out to him, but it was half-hearted at best.
“Do you feel any better after your nap?” Weston asked.
I yawned before answering. “A bit. I slept better than I did last night, that’s for sure.”
“Good,” was all he said before walking out and gently closing my door behind him. I picked up my phone before digging under my pillow for the Syndicate phone, glad I didn’t leave it out in the open for him to see. That would only cause more questions.
For the next two hours, I focused on doing full makeup, styling my hair, and making sure my dress wasn’t wrinkled. The only break I took was when my least favorite alphahole stomped in and demanded that I eat something. I only managed a few bites of the pasta before I was back at it.
The last thing I wanted was to go into this event with a full stomach. Mixing my nerves with that would be disastrous to say the least.
Cyrus burst into my room just as I was sliding on my last heel. He stood there, gaping at me as I straightened, so I grinned at the alpha and did a little spin to give him the full effect.
“You look stunning, Bailey,” he said. Cyrus’ voice deepened as he spoke, and the heat in his eyes made me swallow hard.
He tugged me close and kissed me, possessive and deep. He wasn’t afraid to take what he wanted, but then again, neither was I. After a few seconds, he pulled away and rested his forehead on mine. “It’s not going to be a chore to watch you tonight, Bailey, but holding myself back from killing any man that takes a look at you will be.”
“The only one I’m worried about is the senator,” I admitted. “It appears I’ve gotten a bit too much of his attention, and he’s been a little more handsy lately.”
Cyrus froze. “Has he done anything?”
“Nothing more than trailing his hand on my cheek, which was creepy as fuck. Don’t worry, you guys are never far from me, so you’d hear me yelling if I needed you,” I reminded him.
“Killing the senator might not be the best choice, but I would do it in a heartbeat for you.”
My heart stuttered at the conviction in his voice. Cyrus meant every word of that promise, and I liked it far more than I should. Maybe Icouldbe safe with them?
“I feel like that should scare me more than it does,” I admitted with a light laugh as we walked out into the living room.
All four of the men were wearing tailored suits that were much nicer than their usual work attire. The jackets hugged their frames and showcased their broad shoulders and muscled arms. Their shoes were shined to perfection, and they’d each styled their hair.
When they stood together like this, it was easy to see the resemblance. They all had the same well-honed muscles, though Weston was a little bit taller and leaner than the others. Sterling and Cyrus shared that alpha broadness, while Hayes was the smallest out of all four of them.
They shared the same brunette hair outside of Cyrus’s silver tones. Their eyes were a mix of greens, browns, and hazel, but their jaw lines were carved straight from the statues of the gods.
“The senator sent word that it’s not just going to be him attending this event. Carlisle will be there as well. He wanted to warn us for your safety because he’s convinced Carlisle is out to get him,” Cyrus said, oblivious to my drooling.
“Then it should be a fun evening,” Sterling said. Between his wicked smile and the way he was cracking his knuckles, I could tell the two of us hadverydifferent definitions of fun.