Page 41 of Adored By Her Orc Avenger
I look at him standing at the edge of the hut, staring at me solemnly. I widen my eyes and stick my head out in annoyance with a slight grin. I laugh and glance away before sighing and meeting his gaze again.
“What?” I ask, irritated.
“What do you mean, what?” he frowns and shakes his head.
“Why are you looking at me?”
“Dana, I just found out you’re pregnant with my child.”
“And?” I throw my hand out to the side and scoff. “Why does that matter to you?”
“What do you mean, why does that matter?”
“You know exactly why I’m saying that.” I point to him, fury rising in me. “You shut down after we were together, pretended it meant nothing, thatImeant nothing, and now you want to come back?”
“How can I leave now that I know this?” His voice rises, and I can tell the distress is getting to him.
“Well, you leave like you did last time, easily and without a second thought about anyone else. Just continue thinking about yourself as you have been. It wasn’t a big deal for you then, and it shouldn’t be now either.”
“Dana…” He walks toward me. “That baby has my DNA. That baby is half my genetics. We made love that night, and I felt…”
“Whoa.” I hold out my hand and laugh. “Made love? That’s kind of an overstatement for you, isn’t it?”
His face falls, and he looks at the ground. He seems baffled, like he has no idea how he’s made me feel this past week. I’m amazed at his audacity and obliviousness.
“Dana, I didn’t…”
“Didn’t care?” I smile mockingly at him and nod. “I know. You don’t have to say it- your actions told me everything I needed to know. Look, Hurian…” I scoff again. “We mated like animals in heat. It’s just a natural thing that happens. It wasn’t anything special to you, so let’s not try to change the narrative now.”
He still looks confused. A part of me feels terrible for being so harsh because he’s right. This baby wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for him, but he’s nothing more than a sperm donor. His eyes look at me with an abundance of self-pity, and I realize he is trying to repent for what he did to me.
Unfortunately for him, it’s past time for that. He had his chances, and if I meant nothing to him, then, eventually, the baby would, too, once he got sick of it. It’s just the newest, shiniest thing to him. He gets excited about it like a toddler with a new toy until it is played with and set aside, never picked up again once he finds another, newer one.
“You should leave.” I snap as I place my hand on my stomach. “Hurian, I’ve had enough of…” I wave my hand up and down in his direction. “Whatever bullshit you’re pulling here.”
“This isn’t bullshit!” he exclaims, raising his voice.
“Well, it is to me!” I yell back. “Your fake apologies and trying to be here for me? Do you think I haven’t seen this before with other men I’ve known? It’s a ploy, Hurian, an idiotic tactic to rope a woman back in. I know you always thought I was less intelligent and capable than you…” I shake my head and smile. “But once you see how incredible this baby turns out to be, without you in his life, maybe you’ll reconsider your actions.”
Bonnie enters the hut and looks at Hurian sternly. He returns her gaze, the anger and sadness still expressed on his face. Bonnie points to the door and motions to it with the tip of her head.
“It’s best if you leave now,” she states firmly.
“But I…”
“Leave,” Bonnie commands.
Hurian looks at me and exhales deeply. He glances at my stomach and rubs his head before turning and walking out the door. Before he leaves, he turns around and looks at me intently.
“I’ll be back,” he says softly.
“I bet you will,” I respond sharply, locking eyes with him.
Bonnie closes the door and looks at me as she shakes her head. She walks to my bedside and takes my hand in hers. Her warm touch makes my eyes water.
“Honey, are you alright?” she asks concernedly.