Page 54 of His Ultimate Prize
He picked up the package from the foot of the bed and returned it to her. ‘This may just buy me a few more Brownie points.’
That got her attention. She dragged herself up to lean on one elbow. The sight of his naked chest threatened to fry her brain cells. ‘What is it?’ Her mind whirled with the possibilities, then latched onto what she wanted it to be. Could it be the rest of his manuscript?
Her senses now on a high, she stared down at the box, feeling like a kid on Christmas morning. ‘What’s in the box, Rafael?’
He lifted the lid. All she could see were sheaves of wrapping paper. ‘See for yourself.’
Carefully, she lifted the sheer paper. The first items made her heart knock in her chest. And not in a good way. Praying she was dreaming, she nudged the material aside with her finger and looked underneath. Each layer held more of the same.
‘Naughty underwear? That’s what you got me?’ Raven let the garments drop back into the box, unable to stem the cold wave of hurt that washed over her. She wasn’t even sure why it hurt so much. But it felt as if she’d climbed a mountain only to look back and find out that she’d only taken a few steps.
He looked genuinely stunned. ‘You don’t like it?’
‘What’s wrong with my own underwear?’
His perplexed look deepened. For the first time, Rafael looked seriously nonplussed. It would have been funny had it not been so far from funny.
‘I didn’t...I just wanted to...’ He stopped, a flush lighting his high cheekbones.
If someone had told her as little as a week ago that she’d be sitting in bed discussing naughty lingerie with Rafael, she’d have laughed herself blind.
Now, she forced herself to glance at the lacy silks and delicate satin bows that didn’t seem as if they would stand up to any overt pressure.
‘That’s not even my size, Rafael. I’m a size twelve, remember?’
His flush deepened. ‘I have a feeling you’ll punch me when I tell you I don’t have a clue what size underwear you wear or what yours look like. By the time I get to your panties, I’m nearly insane with lust. Damn it. I’ve got it spectacularly wrong, haven’t I?’
‘Not all wrong. You got my favourite colours right.’
He picked up the package and flung it across the room. Then he tugged her close. ‘Is there any way I can make you forget the last ten minutes?’
Against her will and certainly against her better judgement, she glanced at the lilac silk material caught over a chair back. It seemed so delicate and forlorn.
‘I don’t need expensive lingerie to feel sexy. If you don’t want me as I am—’
He caught her chin between his fingers. ‘I do,’ he breathed. ‘Let me prove it...’ His head started to descend.
Raven’s gaze swung once more to the basque. Pulling herself from his arms, she walked, naked, to the garment and plucked it off the chair. Carefully, she rubbed the material between her fingers and turned. Rafael’s breath caught as she slowly traced the warm silk over her body.
A glance from beneath her lashes showed a definite effect on him.
Pure feminine power washed away her misgivings. With a wanton smile she’d never have believed herself capable of, she sauntered back towards him.
‘You need to understand one thing, Rafael.’
He nodded but his eyes were riveted on her breasts. ‘Sí?’
‘You promise never to buy me lingerie again as long as we’re together. I choose my own underwear.’
He swallowed and nodded.
Raven glanced down at the panties and shook her head. ‘I can’t believe you thought I was a size eight,’ she muttered.
‘Por favor! Forgive me.’ He wet his lips in such a blatantly sexual way, a blush suffused her whole body.
‘You’re just saying that so I hurry back to bed.’
‘Si. And you can forget the lingerie if you wish.’
‘And give up the chance to see you sweat. No can do.’ She slowly, deliberately swept her hair to one side before sliding the lace-trimmed garment over her head.
She nearly bottled it then, but the scorching intensity in his eyes had the direct effect of firing up her courage. The soft lilac tulle basque hugged her breasts in such a blatant caress, she bit her lower lip to stop a moan of excitement. She turned, then glanced back over her shoulder.
‘Are you going to help me with the laces?’ she rasped.
‘Dios mío, what are you trying to do?’
‘Teach you a lesson.’
He got off the bed, almost a little too eager for his punishment. ‘Turn around,’ he instructed.
She did, and heard him hiss out a breath as he pulled the delicate laces and tied it.