Page 48 of His Ultimate Prize
Yep, there was nothing faulty in Rafael’s equipment.
With another hungry groan, he increased the tempo, murmuring hot, erotic encouragement in her ear as she started to meet his hips with tiny thrusts of her own.
This time when she came the explosion was so forceful, so completely annihilating, she wasn’t sure whether she would ever recover.
Rafael plucked her hands from his hair and pinned them on the bed, then proceeded to dominate her senses once more until she was orgasming again and again.
When she heard his final guttural groan of release, she was sure she’d gone insane with pleasure overload.
‘Dios...’ His voice was rough. Mildly shocked. ‘This must be what heaven feels like.’
A bolt of pleasure, pure and true, went through her.
Don’t get carried away, Raven.
To bring herself down to earth, she searched her mind for something innocuous to say.
‘If you break out into At Last, I’ll personally make sure you never walk again.’
His laugh was deep, full and extremely contagious. She found herself joining in as he collapsed onto his side and pulled her body into his.
They laughed until they were both out of breath. Then he fisted a hand through her hair and tugged her face up to his. After kissing her breathless, he released her.
‘I was thinking more along the lines of Again and Again and Again. If there’s a song like that, I’ll need to learn the lyrics. If there isn’t I might need to write one.’ He cupped her nape and pulled her down for another unending kiss that left her breathless and seriously afraid for her sanity. ‘I love kissing you,’ he rasped.
A bolt of something strong and unfamiliar went through her, followed swiftly by a threat of apprehension. Steadying a hand on his chest, she pulled herself up.
‘Where do you think you’re going?’ he asked.
She averted her gaze from his and fought to find reason in all this madness. ‘I need to get up.’
‘No. You need to look after me, and my needs demand that, after what you’ve just done to me, I stay in this bed. Which means you have to stay too.’
Unable to resist, she glanced down his body and swallowed the hungry need that coursed through her. It was unthinkable that she would want him again, so voraciously, so soon. But she did.
‘If you carry on licking your lips and eyeing me like that, I’ll have to teach you this lesson all over again.’
She blinked. ‘I can’t...we can’’s too soon.’
‘As you rightly noted, the equipment works so I most certainly can, pequeña.’ He moved and she saw his fleeting grimace. ‘But maybe you need to go on top this time.’ He held out his hand and she swayed towards him.
‘This is crazy, Rafael,’ she protested feebly, even as she let him arrange her over him.
‘But crazy good, no?’
She melted into his arms. ‘Crazy good, yes.’
* * *
‘Tell me what really happened with your father. What did he do to make you yearn for your eighteenth birthday?’
Rafael couldn’t believe the words tumbling out of his mouth. But then again, he couldn’t believe a lot that had happened in the last twenty-four hours. From the moment he’d placed the phone call to set things in motion to fly them to Mexico, he’d felt control and reason slipping out of his grasp.
Not that he’d had much in the way of control when it came to the woman drifting in and out of sleep only a heartbeat away. Sure, he used the Los Cabos villa for entertaining. But it was mostly on business, never for pleasure. And he’d never let a woman stay over. Until now.
Her raven-black hair spread over his arm and he couldn’t resist putting his nose to the silky strands, inhaling the peach-scented shampoo as he waited for the answer to the question that invited shared confidences he wasn’t sure he wanted to reciprocate. But what the hell? She’d pried more information out of him in the last few weeks than he’d ever released in years.
A little reciprocity didn’t hurt.
She turned towards him and spoke in a low, quiet voice. ‘Remember I told you he barely acknowledged my existence at first?’
He nodded.
‘Over time, as I got older, that began to change. I noticed from the way he looked at me. I thought I was imagining it. Then I overheard the housekeeper saying something to my father’s driver.’
‘What did she say?’
‘That my father didn’t really believe I was his daughter. I couldn’t be because I looked nothing like him—he has ash-blond hair and blue eyes. I inherited my mother’s colouring. Between fourteen and fifteen, I shot up in height and grew breasts. I tried not to link that and the fact that he’d started entertaining more and more at his house instead of at his private club.’