Page 35 of His Ultimate Prize
Their vehicle pulled up in front of the expansive, stunning motor home that had been set up to accommodate the Italian All-Star event. Several dignitaries from the sports world waited to greet Rafael. He reached for the door handle and turned to her before alighting.
‘Don’t let that knowledge go to your head, querida. I’d hate for you to be disappointed once you realise I won’t hesitate to take advantage of that little chink in your armour. Underneath all this, there is only a core of nothingness that will stun you to your soul.’
He got out before she could respond. Before she drew another breath, he’d transformed into Rafael de Cervantes, world champion and charm aficionado. She watched women and men fall over themselves to be in his company. Basking in the adoration, he disappeared into the motor home without a backward glance.
* * *
Rafael waved away yet another offer of vintage champagne and cast his gaze around for Raven.
He’d been too harsh, he knew. Had he—finally—scared her away for good? The thought didn’t please him as it should have.
But she’d strayed far too close, encroaching on a deep dark place he liked to keep to himself. He hadn’t been joking when he’d warned her about the core of nothingness. How could he? What would be the point in revealing that grotesque, unthinkable secret?
She would hate you, and you don’t want that.
His gut tightened but he pushed the thought away.
No one could hate him more than he hated himself. It was better that he ensured Raven harboured no illusions. Although she’d probably claim not to be, she was the type to see the good in everyone. If she didn’t she wouldn’t have asked for help from a deplorable father who had subjected her to dios knew what to save her mother. He suspected that, deep down, she’d hoped her father would reveal himself to be something other than he was.
Rafael wasn’t and would never be a knight in shining armour. Not to her and not to any other woman. He took what he wanted and he didn’t give a damn.
Above the heads of the two men he was talking to, he saw Chantilly enter the room on her husband’s arm. She zeroed in on him with an openly predatory look, her heavily made-up eyes promising filthy decadence.
Rafael felt nothing. Or rather he felt...different. On further examining his reaction, he realised the sensation he was feeling wasn’t the cheap thrill of playing games with Sergey’s wife. It was self-loathing for having played it in the first place.
He looked away without acknowledging her look and cast his gaze around the room one more time. Realising he still searched for Raven—where the hell was she?—he made a sound of impatience under his breath.
‘Is everything all right?’ the chairman of the All-Star event asked him.
‘The old racetrack has been carefully inspected as I requested?’
The white-haired man nodded. ‘Of course. Every single inch of it. You still haven’t told us whether you’ll be participating.’
Tightness seized his chest. He forced himself to take a breath and smile. ‘The event is only beginning, Adriano. I’ll let you old folks have some fun first.’
‘Less of the old, if you please.’
The laughter smoothed over his non-answer but the tightness didn’t decrease. Nor did his temper when he looked up a third time and found Raven standing at the far end of the room with Axel.
She’d changed from jeans into yet another pair of trousers, made of a faintly shimmery material, and a black clingy top that threw her gym-fit body into relief when she moved.
The sound of a nearby engine revving provided the perfect excuse for Axel to lean in closer to whisper into her ear. Whatever the German was saying to her had her smiling and nodding. Obviously encouraged, her companion moved even closer, one hand brushing her shoulder as he spoke.
Rafael moved without recognising an intention to do so, a feat in itself considering his hip was growing stiffer from standing for too long. ‘Raven, there you are.’
She turned to him. ‘Did you want me?’ she asked, then flushed slightly.
‘Of course I want you,’ he replied. ‘Why else are you here, if not to come when I want you?’
A spurt of anger entered her eyes. ‘What can I do for you?’
‘I need your physio services. What else?’
She frowned. ‘According to your itinerary, you’re working until ten o’clock tonight. Which is why I scheduled a swim therapy for you afterwards and a proper physio session in the morning.’
His eyes stayed on hers. ‘My schedule is fluid and right now I need you.’
‘Ah, actually, I’m glad you’re here, Rafael,’ Axel said.
‘Really? And why’s that, Jung?’