Page 32 of His Ultimate Prize
He nodded eagerly. ‘I don’t know a driver who hasn’t dreamt of driving at Monza, either on the old or the new track. The tickets for Monza’s All-Star event sold out within minutes of going online.’
Raven had a feeling it had something to do with Rafael’s presence, this being one of his first public appearances since his accident. ‘That’s great for the charity, then?’
‘Yes, it is. I’d be honoured if you’ll permit me to show you around Monza.’ He drew closer. His smile widened, lending his blond-haired, blue-eyed features a boyish charm.
‘I’m there to work, I’m afraid. And you’ll be driving I expect?’
Axel, a two-time world champion twenty-five years ago, nodded. ‘Rafael and I have a friendly rivalry that seems to draw the crowd.’ He laughed. The fondness in his voice was clear. ‘He’s a special one, that one. The playboy thing is just a front. Don’t let it fool you. Deep down, there beats the heart of a genius forged in steel. A fierce leader who would fight to the death for what he believes in.’
Having her instincts confirmed that there was more to Rafael than met the eye made her slow to respond. A quick glance at him showed him in deep conversation with a member of his All-Star team. ‘I...’
‘He single-handedly brought the board members to his way of thinking two years ago when they tried to put off new safety measures for drivers,’ Axel said.
‘Safety?’ Raven asked in surprise. ‘But I thought...’
‘You think because we love speed and hurtle around racetracks at two hundred and fifty miles per hour we think less of safety? Ask any driver. The opposite is true. We manage to take the risks we do because of people like Rafael and the work they do to ensure drivers’ safety.’
Feeling wave after wave of astonishment roll through her, she glanced again at Rafael, only to find his attention fixed on her, his blue eyes narrowed to speculative slits. He glanced away again and resumed his conversation.
The floundering feeling escalated. ‘Excuse me,’ she murmured to Axel when the stewardess entered to take drinks orders. Standing, she made her way towards the large bedroom and the en suite bathroom.
After splashing water on her wrists, she re-knotted her hair in a secure bun and left the bathroom, only to stumble to a halt.
Rafael stood, back braced solidly against the bedroom door. His presence in the enclosed space, larger than life and equally as imposing, dried her mouth.
Heart hammering, she stayed where she was, away from the danger radiating from him. ‘ there something you need?’
He folded his arms and angled his head. ‘Need? No.’ He remained in front of the door.
Raven licked her lips and immediately regretted it. ‘Can we return to the cabin, then?’
‘Not just yet,’ he rasped, then just stood there, watching her with a predatory gleam that made her nape tighten.
Silence stretched for several minutes as he stayed put, seemingly in no hurry to go anywhere, or speak, for that matter.
She searched her mind for what he could possibly want, and felt her heart lurch with disappointment. ‘You’re not in here because you want to make sure your playboy status is intact, are you?’
‘What was Axel saying to you?’
She waved him away. ‘Nothing for you to worry about.’ He remained in place, that infuriatingly well-defined eyebrow arched. ‘Okay, if you must know, he told me that beneath all that lady-killer persona, you’re really a Boy Scout. Oh, and he also offered to show me Monza.’
He glanced away but she saw his jaw tighten. ‘I hope you told him no?’
‘Maybe.’ She started to move towards him in the hope that he’d get the hint and move. He remained, rock-still and immovable.
‘Stay away from him,’ he said, his voice low but no less forcefully lethal.
Her pulse spiked higher. ‘Sexually, socially or just for the hell of it?’
With a swiftness she wouldn’t have attributed to him considering his injuries, he reached forward, grabbed her arms, whirled her round and reversed their position. Her lungs expended their oxygen supply as she found herself trapped between the hard, polished wood and Rafael’s equally hard, warm body.
One hand gripped her nape while the other settled firmly on her waist. Heat ratcheted several notches. Inhaling only made matters worse because Rafael’s scent, potent and delicious, attacked her senses with rabid fervour.
‘He was looking at you as if he wanted to serve you up on his sauerkraut.’
‘And what, you’re jealous?’
‘Not if you tell me you’re not thinking of falling into the clutches of an ex-racer more than twice your age.’