Page 25 of His Ultimate Prize
‘It’s the same way I’ve snagged you, piqueña. It’s why you’re leaning towards me right now, unable to look away from me as you imagine what it would be like to have me inside you, buried deep, riding us both to ecstasy.’
She jumped back, and her breath whooshed out of her lungs.
‘And now you’re going to blush.’
As if on cue, heat rose and engulfed her face. ‘Crap.’
He laughed, actually laughed at her. Raven had never felt so humiliated. Or hot as he grasped the bottom of his T-shirt.
‘Here, I’ll go first, shall I? One item of clothing each until we’re in flagrante. Deal?’
She wanted to walk out, wanted to tell him what to do with his tight, muscle-packed body and sheer masculine perfection. She wanted to have enough willpower to turn her back on all the things his glinting blue eyes promised. This wasn’t her. She wasn’t the type of girl who fell casually into sex as if she were choosing the latest hair accessory from a supermarket shelf. So why couldn’t she move? Why did every single instinct she had scream at her to move closer to Rafael, to touch, experience the seductive pleasure he promised, instead of running as far as her marathon-trained legs could carry her?
A long-suffering sigh filled with extreme impatience shattered her thoughts. Her gaze sharpened in time to see his hands drop.
‘Fine, I get the message. You’re about to fall on your puritanical sword, deny yourself pleasure just so you can crawl back into your cold bed and pat yourself on the back. Aren’t you?’
‘I wasn’t...’ But she had been thinking that, hadn’t she? ‘Maybe,’ she admitted. ‘Besides being totally unprofessional, I can’t very well advocate no sex for you and then be the one who...who makes you suffer a setback.’
He shook his head, a genuine baffled look on his face. Reaching over carefully, he took her face in his hand. ‘Sí, I get it. More restraint. More suffering for both of us. You’re twenty-four so I’m sure you’re not a virgin, but are you sure you weren’t an inquisitor in a past life?’
Since there was no way she wanted to confirm her virginity, she focused on the second part of his statement. ‘I know you don’t believe it, but I’m only looking out for you.’
‘By torturing me to death? Or is there something else at play here?’
‘By making sure you heal as quickly and efficiently as possible.’
He dropped his hand. ‘Where’s the fun in that?’
Raven kicked herself for immediately missing his touch. ‘God, you’re unbearable! And what do you mean, “there’s something else at play”?’
‘Ah. Finally, some fire. Do you have any idea how incredibly hot you look when you’re riled?’
Desire dragged low through her abdomen at his heated, husky words. ‘You’re getting off topic. And that compliment is so clichéd, even a three-year-old wouldn’t believe you.’
‘Cliché doesn’t make it any less true. But yes, I’ll get to the point. You like to hide behind a prickly exterior, holding the world at bay because you’re afraid.’
‘I’m not prickly and I’m most definitely not afraid.’
‘You over-think every single move you make.’
‘It’s called being sensible,’ she retorted.
‘You’re living half a life. Every bone in your body wants to be on the bed with me, yet you’re afraid to let yourself just be.’
‘Just because I don’t put myself about like you doesn’t mean I’m not living.’
His lips twisted. ‘I wouldn’t be this frustrated if I’d been putting it about like you suggest. And don’t forget, I was in a coma for several weeks. Have mercy on my poor, withered c—’
‘If you finish that sentence I’m walking out of here right now!’
‘The C-word offends you?’
‘No, your blatant lies do. There’s nothing withered or poor about you.’
‘Gracias...I think.’ He tilted his head. ‘Now you’re about to deflate my ego thoroughly, aren’t you?’
‘Your ego is Teflon-coated and self-inflating. It doesn’t need any help from me.’
He let out an impatient sigh. ‘Dios, Raven, are you going to talk me into another coma or are we going to have a conversation about what’s really going on here?’
She shoved her hands onto her hips. ‘There’s nothing going on. You want to get on with making up for lost time and I happen to be the willing body you’ve chosen.’
His hands dropped. ‘Would it make you feel better if I said yes? It would help you get through the morning-after hand-wringing if you feel righteous anger for being used?’