Page 123 of His Ultimate Prize
He put his mouth on her, slowly worked his tongue over the millions of nerve-endings saturated with pleasure receptors. Sasha screamed, and came in a rush of pleasure so intense her whole body quivered with it.
Before the last of her orgasm had faded away Marco was surging over her. His kiss was less frantic but no less demanding. And, just like the engine of a finely tuned car, her body responded to his demands, anticipation firing her blood like nothing had ever done in her life.
Tension screamed through Marco’s body as he raised himself from the intoxicating kiss. The sound of Sasha’s orgasm echoed in his head like a siren’s call, promising him pleasure beyond measure. He couldn’t remember ever being so fired up about sex—so impatient he’d nearly forgotten protection.
Luckily sanity prevailed just in time.
Sasha moved restlessly beneath him, her sultry gaze steady on his as he parted her thighs.
Every single night of the past three weeks he’d woken with an ache in his groin and a sinking sensation that he was fighting a losing battle. He’d congratulated himself on staying away, but he’d known deep down it was a hollow victory.
Truth was he’d never wanted a woman as much as he wanted Sasha. He’d stopped trying to decipher what made her so irresistible. She just was. He’d also made discreet enquiries and verified that she’d spoken the truth—she hadn’t been involved with Rafael.
So just this once he was going to take. Sasha Fleming had worked her way under his skin like no other woman had and now this was the inevitable conclusion. Her underneath him, her thighs parted, her sultry gaze steady on his. Just as he’d dreamed...
With a groan he sank into her.
‘Thank God!’ she cried. ‘For a second there I thought you were about to change your mind.’
As if to stop him taking that route, her muscles clamped tight around him.
Another groan tore from his throat. ‘I thought I told you to shut up?’ He pulled back and surged into her once more, pleasure such as he’d never known rocking through him.
‘I am... I will... Just please don’t stop.’ Raking her nails down his back, she clamped her hands around his waist.
As if he could even if he wanted to. He was past the point of no return, his need so great he was almost afraid to acknowledge its overwhelming scope. Instead he lost himself in her pleasure, in the hitched sounds and feminine demands of her body as she welcomed him into her sweet warmth.
‘Dios, you feel incredible,’ he rasped as sensation piled upon sensation.
Inevitably the bough broke. Ecstasy rode through him, blinding him to everything else but the glorious satisfaction of unleashed passion.
With her cry of bliss he followed off the peak, the muscles in his body tightening with the force of his orgasm as he emptied himself into her.
He collapsed on top of her, her soft, sweat-slicked body a cushion to his hardness. He remained there until their breathing calmed then, rolling onto the lounger, he tucked her against his side.
As the last of the haze faded away he felt the first inevitable twinge of regret. He’d succumbed to temptation. Now the piper would expect payment. And for the first time in his life Marco was afraid at just how much he was willing to pay.
‘WHAT—?’ SASHA jerked awake.
The solid body curved around hers and the arm imprisoning her kept her from falling off the lounger. Opening her eyes, she encountered Marco’s accusing gaze.
‘You fell asleep.’
The wide expanse of muscled chest scrambled her brain for a few seconds, before a few synapses fired a thought. She’d had sex with Marco. Wild, unbelievable, pleasure-filled sex. After which—
‘You fell asleep,’ he incised a second time, affront stamped all over his face.
‘Uh...I’m sorry...’
‘I get the feeling you don’t mean that.’
‘And I get the feeling I’m not following this conversation at all.’ Before she could stop it a wide yawn broke through.
His glare darkened.
‘Did I not please you?’ He seemed genuinely puzzled, and a little unsure. One hand curved under her nape to tilt her face up to his.
Thoughts of their lovemaking melted her insides. ‘Of course you did,’ she said, struggling to keep from blushing at recalling her cries of pleasure. Lifting her hands, she framed his face. ‘I’ve never felt more pleasure than I did with you.’
‘It was so good you fell asleep straight after?’
‘Take it as a compliment. You wore me out.’
His lids veiled his eyes. ‘This is a first, I admit.’
‘Wearing a woman out?’ she asked, stunned.
‘Of course not. The falling asleep part.’