Page 64 of Triplets for the Dark Elf
Carisu doesn’t accept my answer, spinning me around by the shoulder. “There is delicious food among the Zagfer that you have never even tried!”
I sweep his hand off my shoulder.
“Great treasures to be bought on the black market,” he insists as I adjourn to my closet. “And women, cousin. Oh, the women!”
“I have no interest in love.”
My cousin scoffs. “Who said anything about love?”
I stall as I reach into my wardrobe. I’d happily leave my study if he were to remain behind. “You speak of the skin market, then. A most deplorable pastime. How many slaves do you own now, Carisu?”
“Ah, but they break so easily. They must be replaced on occasion.”
His little value of human life almost makes me disgusted. Almost. “I have no time for your games,” I say, donning a sleek black cloak, my last resort to lose this philandering cousin of mine. “If your business is done, I really must ask you to leave.”
Carisu troubles himself with fastening the clasp of my cloak like a Zagfer, patting it down until the folds are smoothed out. “Come with me, please. I don’t want to go alone, and I will get a better price if you’re sitting beside me. It will only be for a little while, and then you can return to your study. The King, long may he reign, will be satisfied with your attendance in public. You need only sit there and watch the proceedings.”
I meet his eye and scrutinize his mercurial features. “Who told you?”
He shrugs and withdraws with a dismissive air. “The walls might as well be made of paper, cousin. You should know that by now. And besides, it doesn’t matter who told me. We are all family here.”
“Weare hardly family.”
“Then, let’s change that.” He links his arm in mine like a close friend, though he’s antagonized me for as long as I can recall. “I want to know what you fancy, and what makes you smile. I’ve only ever seen that scowl of yours, hiding much emotion, I’m sure.”
“You know better than that,” I say, though I can feel my will crumbling. I could blast him out of the third story window with just a pulse of my magic, but I don’t have it in me. “Why are you so insistent?”
“Because, I fear you are drifting away from us.” He leans in and lowers his voice. “And so does the King. Soon, the whole of the city will suspect it, too, and your position will not be secure. Even the King cannot guarantee your protection. You know that.
“But if you make the occasional appearance, you’ll show them that you are a dark elf to be reckoned with.” He stares hard into my eyes, searching for something that has long since been locked away. “You don’t even need to flaunt your magic,” he continues, adjusting my cloak again. “You need only attend.”
A long sigh escapes me, and my jaw works in consideration. “Just this once.”
Carisu’s features light up instantly. “I’ll take it.”
I chew on my lower lip in true resignation. My cousin certainly has a way of wearing a soul down. “When did you say you wanted to leave?”
Iwalk into Rhakis' office with my head bowed. I don't want to show any signs of defiance here. My life may be horrible, but it can always get worse, especially in a place like L'amouer.
"Amelie, it's lovely to see you this evening. How are you faring?"
"Very well, thank you. And you?"
The look in the manager's eye hints at one of the ways my life could get so much worse. We exchange pleasantries because that's expected of me, but I know what he really wants. As if I needed any more than the lustful stare to tell, he lets his robe fall open, revealing his massive erection.
Any other girl called in here would take this as the signal to bring him to bliss. And while his nakedness and lichenous stare make my skin crawl, I know he would never dare to touch me. I'm too valuable, untouched and pure.
I'm one of L'amouer's 'select stocks.' At a young age, with a little bit of divination magic, they select those who will grow up to be the most desirable. We are sequestered away from the rest, and our training is a much different matter. While others are taught how to perform carnal acts, we are trained in dancing, music, singing, and other forms of entertainment to keep our dark elf masters entertained in between whatever debauchery they have planned for us.
The manager gives a sharp whistle, and then another woman comes into the room, crawling on all fours like a dog. I keep my face serene, but my heart aches for her. Honey wasn't selected like I was. I don't know when the training starts for the others, but by the time I met her, she already had the lifeless stare of someone who begs for death, knowing they'll never get it.
I'm also ignorant of exactly what hell she's gone through. I only know of mine. But while the exact nature of our torments is different, we both hate this place and hate men like Rhakis with every fiber of our being. I don't know if mutual, seething hatred of someone is the best basis for a friendship, but it's how our companionship started.