Page 55 of Triplets for the Dark Elf
The day of our mating ceremony is coming up soon. The triplets are starting to understand that something is ‘happening’ but keep asking us if today is the day. It was cute the first few times but now I regret wanting to explain to them that Mama and Dad were getting mated.
At least they had started calling me Dad once in a while. It isn’t much but it’s a start.
Indie has started becoming a little less reckless now that I’ve been able to take him with me on errands. He knows that if he wants to go, he has to behave.
And Maeve is getting more confident in her own skin, now that I’m around. It helps that she’s been seeing more dark elves too. She didn’t get to spend much time around them before but now she’s proud of her beautiful pewter skin.
The triplets share the nursery in the penthouse now but they all have their own small rooms too, that they fill with their own books and toys and can spend time in during the day when they want—to get away from each other. They are still little but as they grow it’s good for them to know that they have space should they need it.
And Annalise loves living here. She feels safer here than she did in lowtowns, loves working at the shop and being back in the hustle and bustle of the city life.
“I’m going to the meeting now!” I call, throwing my coat on as I head for the door. Indie stops me, looking up with pleading eyes.
“Can you be a good boy?”
“Good boy, Nindee good boy!” he insists. I pick him up.
“I’m taking Indie-Boy with me!” I tell Annalise. He’s going to inherit the shop one day so it’s good for him to accompany me from time to time when I go on business meetings.
Though this time I’m not going on a business meeting. Annalise waves us off, watching Maeve and Hazel play on the floor with a doll together.
We’re going to pick up a ring I got for Annalise. I found a beautiful one a few days ago in a jeweler’s shop, sitting on display in the front. It’s got a sapphire blue zanthenite stone surrounded by tiny clear diamonds and set into an old-fashioned hidium ring. The hidium setting isn’t fancy but it’s an older style that Annalise will love.
Once we reach the shop, I carry Indie inside with me and he squirms on my hip, wanting down but knowing that if he misbehaves he’ll be sent back into the carriage to sit until I’m done. It’s taken a bit of work for him to understand consequences, but he’s getting there.
“Be a good boy,” I tell him as I set him down. He rushes over to look at all the display cases with gaudy jewels and large gems, careful not to touch the glass. He knows better.
“Your ring is ready, sir,” the jeweler says, eyeing my son with a bit of disdain on his face. I ignore him and examine it, making sure that it looks polished to perfection. It’s been properly sized and it looks good so I put it away and go over to where Indie is standing, staring at a large diamond on a chain.
“Let’s go, Nindee,” I say. He looks up at me.
“Pwetty,” he says, pointing carefully.
“Don’t touch the glass,” the jeweler scolds.
“He’s not, and we’re leaving,” I tell the snooty man, picking my son up and putting him on my hip. I cannot stand the poor attitudes some dark elves have towards half-breed children. I don’t even like the term ‘half-breed.’
It makes my children seem less than when they’re anything but. Deciding never to shop there again, I make a mental note. I’ll be sure Father never does business there either.
Our family may only be k’sheng but we do wield considerable influence in this city.
We head back and I pass Indie off to Annalise so I can finish some paperwork in my home office – i.e, hide her ring.
“Love you,” she calls as I slip down the hall.
“Love you too!” I call back.
The next couple days pass quickly and it’s time for the ceremony. We take the carriage out to my brother’s farm where we’re going to be wed.
The twins are near five now, and have grown so much. I haven’t seen them in a while and they come bounding up to me when we exit the carriage.
“Uncle Miothro!” Osella calls, her tan skin gleaming in the sunlight. “Hi, hi, Uncle Miothro!”
“Wait for me!” Dovrec yells, not far behind her.