Page 44 of Triplets for the Dark Elf
That rallies him in a way I didn’t expect. He must have to dig deep for the energy to lift up. But as soon as he is sitting up and the kids are able to see them, all three come running out of their room.
It’s past their bedtime, but I don’t point that out as they clamber up onto the couch on either side of him.
“Boo,” Indie says as he points at one of the wounds.
“‘Kay?” Maeve asks at the same time.
Hazel’s eyes are roaming his body, taking in the burns and cuts flecking his skin. At least it looks like some color has come back to him.
Miothro wraps his arms around the kids, pulling them tight against him. I don’t know how he manages to keep such a bright smile on his face when I can see he’s struggling to keep his eyes open.
“I am okay.” He looks at Maeve. “I promise.” He kisses the top of Hazel’s head. “Just a little scratch.” He ruffles Indie’s hair.
That seems to be enough to soothe their worries as they quickly switch gears. Indie starts grabbing Miothro’s hands, talking about light and it takes me a minute to release he means the magic that was coming from his palms.
Maeve is standing on the couch cushion, acting out the fight with a lot of fabricated sounds even I can’t interpret. And even Hazel is interjecting here and there, smiling as she takes the role of miming with Maeve.
I shake my head as I grin. I had no idea that they were watching through their window the whole time, but I’m not going to interrupt them. They don’t know what it was truly about anyway, and it’s too cute to see them so in awe of their father. He is pretty great.
But I can see that it is starting to be a bit much for Miothro. He’s nodding, but his smile is waning and his eyelids are barely open.
“It was really cool, huh?” I cut in, and Indie whirls around to face me. Maeve and Hazel are laid out on the couch, giggling as they fake being defeated.
“Uh, huh, and, and–” I walk forward and pick Indie up. That instantly quiets him as he gets mad, twisting in my arms and reaching toward Miothro. “No, no, no!”
“Hey, bud,” I whisper as I hold my hand out to Hazel. With one longing glance at her dad, she takes my hand and lets me guide them to the bedroom. “Let’s let him sleep, hmmm?”
“No sleep!”
I chuckle as he yawns. Hazel goes to climb into the bed and I set Indie down on the mattress. “Maeve,” I call as softly as I can. I know I can’t go back out there or Indie will come running after me.
Peeking out of the room, I see her wiping Miothro’s face and talking to him. I’m not convinced he’s not asleep, to be honest, but she’s trying to be sweet. She actually might be helping soothe him.
“Maevey.” Her head pops up and I gesture for her to come here. She glances down at her father and then, content that she isn’t going to miss anything in there, she comes rushing back to me.
Once they are all tucked in tight, I give them kisses and tell them good night. Hazel grabs my hand as I go to walk away, though, and I turn back, surprise.
“Mimi stay night?” she asks, and I smile.
It’s not that I have a favorite child, but seeing Hazel grow attached to Miothro has been more heartwarming than I expected. Maeve could be friends with a rock, and Indie loves being the spotlight.
But little Hazel is guarded, quiet. Sometimes I’m not sure she likes anyone, so to see her ask about Miothro, especially after I saw the way she joined in the antics in the living room, is very special to me.
And I know it is to him, too.
I nod. “Yes, he’ll be here in the morning.”
Satisfied with that response, she lets me go, and I slip out of the room as they murmur among themselves. As I head back into the living room, I come up beside the couch to see Miothro’s head tipped back.
He’s snoring quietly, and I don’t have it in me to wake him up just yet. Instead, I brush his hair back from his face, and murmur, “Mon lutin,you make me fall in love with you more each day.”
“Miothro.” Her voice is so sweet, and I reach out for her, wanting to pull her against me. I wonder if Annalise knows that I can’t get enough of her. “Miothro, let’s go to bed.”
I’m certain that I’m dreaming. That’s something I wouldn't dare hope for, and while I can’t exactly remember why I am so bone-achingly tired, I don’t think it would warrant her saying something like that.