Page 41 of Triplets for the Dark Elf
Miothro would really risk my life like this? The two elves are squaring off against each other, hands raised as though ready for a battle.
This isn’t right! This isn’t fair. I never wanted something like this. In fact, I ran away just so that something like this would never happen!
Inside, it feels like there are two worgs fighting, warring over whether to be more scared or angry. How dare Miothro treat me like an object he can bargain with! How dare they risk our lives over some petty grudge?
I hate elves! I wish I’d never even met a single one of them. I could have lived in bliss if it weren’t for dark elves screwing up my life.
But then again, I wouldn’t have my triplets if I never met Miothro. Ugh! I’m so angry with him but I can’t deny that he gave me one of the greatest gifts someone can give another. Still, that doesn’t give him the right to treat me like a possession when it’s convenient for him, to use me as a bargaining chip!
I clench my hands into fists, half a mind to march out there just to tell both of them off but the thought of confronting Almu has me holding back. He’s terrifying. The way he and his goons so casually wrecked Miothro’s shop all those years ago?
Shuddering at the memory, a tear slips from my eyes. I don’t think it’s a good idea to go out there but I want to put a stop to this. The two of them are going to kill each other.
I don’t want to lose Miothro but neither do I want to be with him. Why would I be with someone who could give me away like that? I thought he cared for me but he’s willing to trade me just like that?
What will happen to my children? Will he keep them or will they become part of the bargain as well? I refuse. I should pack our things and run while the two of them are busy beating the snot out of each other.
I should run again, take a boat far away to protect my babies from harm. I don’t know where I’ll go but anything has to be better than this—to be waiting around for your fate to be decided by other people.
I can’t move though. I can’t make my feet move. All I can do is helplessly watch as the two of them prepare to fight—fight for the right to my very existence. And hope that the right person comes out the victor.
As I stand there against the man trying to take Annalise away from me, I square my shoulders and narrow my eyes. I may have made a bargain with him but I never intend to hold up my end. Even if I have to kill myself, I’ll never let her be taken away, nor will I let him harm a hair on either her or our children’s head.
I hope Annalise and the children are safe inside, locked away from this fight. I don’t want them to have to see me go full berserker-mode against the dark elf in front of me. I only hope they understand that I’m doing it all for them…
The elf raises a hand and shoots a beam of energy directly at me. It’s yellow—which means...I duck just in time for a batlaz to attack me from the right flank.
I have my own magic, strong but maybe not as strong as the dark elf in front of me. I’ll have to get creative. I can’t conjure up beasts of the field but I can shield myself, I have strong defensive magic.
Concentrating, I create a magical pulsing energy that covers me in a bubble, protecting me from the elf’s attacks. What was his name, anyway? It’s been years and years. I can’t recall.
Alom? Something like that? Aluu? The elf sends another attack of energy towards me, a razor bird swooping at me, raking sharp talons over the bubble, which wobbles against the attack but doesn’t break.
“Almu!” I call, finally remembering his name. “You’ll never defeat me!”
“Your magical shield can’t stand against my creatures!” he yells back. He sends another worg, which swipes with vicious claws against the barrier. The barrier’s strength is tested. It’s not going to hold forever. I have to think of other ways to keep Almu back.
The worg circles my bubble, springing at it again and again, attacking with snarls and claws and teeth. The bubble holds, barely.
I need to go on the offense. I’m not as skilled in offensive magic though. I don’t have much practice. Mostly I use my defensive magic to keep things from falling over in the shop or to ward the doors at night.
I’m going to have to dissolve the bubble if I want to throw some offensive magic back at Almu. He’s too talented for me to just use my barriers.
But if I dissolve the bubble, I’m risking exposing myself to his creatures. Deciding to take a risk anyway, I slowly let the defensive shield down, even as the worg manages to finally penetrate it at the last second.
“Your shields will never hold against my creatures!” Almu cries out. I grit my teeth, determined to keep my wits about me. I can’t engage with him. He wants me to, wants to distract me with taunts and insults so my defenses are down.
Ignoring him, I send off a burst of fire straight at his worg, who yelps and retreats as the fire singes his fur. I’ve managed to hold the creature off but I know that there’s more where that came from. Almu is smart, he’s spent four years seething with hatred over me. He’s not going to go down without a fight and he’s probably imagined dozens of ways to tear me apart in that time.
So I’ve got to be just as creative, just as quick. I send another burst of flames at the creature, who yelps as it starts to catch on fire and screams as it burns. The screams are unpleasant and I want to cover my ears but I can’t. I’ve got to be on guard. Almu snarls as he throws another spell, this time unleashing a shrieking, screaming nightmare of a creature at me.
By the look of it, it’s got to be a leviathan. I didn’t know Almu was a skilled enough magical user to conjure those. It’s attacking me full force and my magical fire seems to merely glance off its skin, barely managing to do much more than give it a few singes and piss it off further.
I’m in trouble now. I can’t hold out against a leviathan. Almu looks smug, a grin on his face and a lightness to his steps.