Page 39 of Triplets for the Dark Elf
“Are you even listening?” Naeknir asks. I realize I’ve been zoned out thinking about her and I cough to cover up my embarrassment.
“Sorry, I was...I’m listening,” I tell him. “Go ahead.”
He launches into some story about a human club dancer and a dark elf and how the elf made her think he was in love with her only to sell her off and it’s all I can do to feign interest. Honestly, some of the dark elf attitudes towards humans absolutely disgusts me.
We make it through the meal and I’m itching to get back to my family when Naeknir orders drinks and insists I have a zhisk with him. I grit my teeth and nod, subtly checking my pocket watch for the time. It’s not too late yet to be there for their bedtime if we hurry up and get this damned business started.
“So, ink prices,” I say, taking a tiny sip of the zhisk. I don’t really want any of it but I have to at least put on a good show.
“Right,” Naeknir launches into a spiel about hard times and price increases but all I can think about is how Annalise kissed me on the cheek. I still can’t get over that. Does she want more? I don’t want to rush it but all I want is to be with her again—to be a proper family.
“So how does that sound?” Naeknir asks.
“Sounds like a load of taura-shit,” I tell him. “We’ll pay no more than one daler per ounce more than what we pay now and if you think we’ll pay a whole jeton more, you’re insane.”
“We can take our business elsewhere,” Naeknir threatens.
“No one will pay another jeton more. I’ll give you two daler per ounce and that’s final.”
Naeknir agrees to the terms with a lot of grumbling and as soon as the contract is signed, I’m out the door, throwing my coat on as I race through the town to get to my family.
It’s dark out and I hope the children haven’t already been tucked in. I just want to be with them. I pass through the edge of the theater district, taking a shortcut.
“I’m here!” I call out, racing to the door and knocking. The children push the door open, thankfully still awake.
“Mimi!” Hazel cries out, throwing herself towards me.
“So this is what you wanted her for?”
The voice makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I turn around slowly to see a dark elf standing there. He looks familiar...and I realize he’s the one I bid against, back when I bought Annalise for the night. I don’t know why but his voice brings chills down my spine.
“Get back inside,” I tell the children sternly, pushing the three of them towards the door. “Go, go on in!”
Iwatch the clock. Miothro should be here soon. A knock on the door has the children running and throwing the door open to see their father standing there.
“So this is what you wanted her for?”
My heart freezes in my chest. I’m right behind the kids when Miothro arrives and we both look at the same time to see Almu standing there. I can’t breathe.
Fuck!By the Deceiver! I worked so hard to keep everyone safe from this bastard. How did he find us? My heart is racing. I feel the bile rise in the back of my throat. The thoughts in my head are all jumbled up, tumbling down around and around.
I never should have let him back into our lives. I can’t believe I was greedy enough to put everyone’s lives at risk like this! I’m so selfish! I just wanted Miothro back but I risked his life and the lives of our children because of my own selfish desires.
“Come on, children,” I say, trying to sound light.
“Mama, Mimi!” Hazel protests. She’s got a look in her eye that worries me.
“Not right now,” I tell them. “Let’s go.”
“NO!” Indie stomps his foot. “Mimi!”
“I’m not asking you twice,” I say, being more firm. “Go!”
They keep protesting, trying to argue with me. Rather than trying to herd them along, I decide to just grab them in my arms and rush them to their bedroom, shutting and locking the door behind them.